Month: September 2009

I have a new resource for your health and energy!

  [email protected] Tell a friend! Forward this email to a friend! Not subscribed yet? Don’t miss an issue! Personal Note from Dr. Ritamarie Teleclasses and Events Creating Vibrant Health Feature Article:  3 Simple Tips for Enhancing Thyroid Function and Increasing Your Energy Fast! Featured Expert/Student Story Energy Enhancing Featured Food Recipe of the Month:  Apple Ginger Medley About Dr. Ritamarie Energy Enhancing Resources Dr. Ritamarie Recommends September 17th, 2009 Hi Everyone,I am thrilled to be writing to you today.  As you can see, I have a whole new look and I’m really excited about it.  For a while now, I’ve been planning to create a new newsletter format.  I was getting tired of the templates, yet it never made it to the priority queue.  Well, thanks to my patient and talented web designer, Jimmy, our baby is born.I had planned to send the first one out filled with content…but you may know me well enough by now to know that patience is not one of my main virtues.  I haven’t had the time to plan out and lay out all the components of this newsetter, so I decided to give you a tease! Our official first issue will debut […]

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7 Essential Strategies for Optimal Hormone Balance

If you think that the symptoms of hormone imbalance are limited to the discomforts of PMS, hot flashes, and other common menopausal discomforts, and that the solution is medication or “white knuckling it”, you're not alone. Hormone imbalances contribute to a myriad of...

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