Positive emotions, especially appreciation, trigger scientifically proven health enhancing changes in your body. Join me for Day 25 of a 30 day gratitude feast.
Month: November 2011
Dr. Ritamarie’s Gratitude Journal Day 24
Positive emotions, especially appreciation, trigger scientifically proven health enhancing changes in your body. Join me for Day 24 of a 30 day gratitude feast.
Dr. Ritamarie’s Gratitude Journal Day 23
Positive emotions, especially appreciation, trigger scientifically proven health enhancing changes in your body. Join me for Day 23 of a 30 day gratitude feast.
Dr. Ritamarie’s Thanksgiving Day Celebration and Recipes
Four Thanksgiving raw food recipe ideas for creating holiday celebrations that focus on the people connections and offer foods that delight and nourish!
Staying Warm with Raw Foods: Hot Soup with Steamed Vegetables
Warming Vegetable Soup #ratingval# from #reviews# reviews Print Recipe Type: Entree Author: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 10 mins Total time: 20 mins Serves: 1 or 2 A filling and delciious soup combining raw and lightly cooked vegetables, rich...
Home Sweet Home – Dr. Ritamarie’s Appreciations for Today – Day 22
Experience the energy and enhanced health of sharing your appreciation. Join Dr. Ritamarie for a fatigue fighting, belly fat busting month of gratitude.
Dr. Ritamarie’s Appreciations for Today – Day 21
Today we're traveling back home after a three day family visit to Chicago. The tradition in my husband's family is to celebrate Hanukkah right after Thanksgiving, since the entire family is gathered together. Rather than send gifts during Hanukkah, we prefer to...
Gratitude Weekend: Celebrate Your Health with Raw Food Recipes and Health Enhancing Resources
Traditionally the day after Thanksgiving has been called "Black Friday". Although I understand the meaning, as it's a day when businesses traditionally go "in the black" because of the flood of consumer buying activity, still I'm not fond of the name and I prefer to...
The Power of Gratitude for Energy and Balance: Dr. Ritamarie’s Appreciations for Today – Day 20
In my family of origin, the day after Thanksgiving was always the start of Christmas shopping and a day to feast on the leftovers from our Thanksgiving feast. I have fond memories of going out as a family, to a discount store, each of us with a dollar or two to spend...
Thanksgiving Day Gratitudes: Dr. Ritamarie’s Appreciation Journal Day 19
Today's Appreciation Journal is especially important because today is the holiday of Thanksgiving in the US, where we focus our attention on giving thanks for all of our blessings. Unfortunately, a big part of the celebration is focused on FOOD and the foods are...