Month: April 2012

Clock powered strategies for energy and longevity!

[email protected] Tell a friend! Forward this e-mail to a friend! Not subscribed yet? Don’t miss an issue! Personal Note from Dr. Ritamarie Feature Article: Hypoglycemia and the Myth of Eating Frequent, Small Meals Events Radio Appearances About Dr. Ritamarie Energy Recharge Resources Dr. Ritamarie Recommends Recipes and Recharge Goodies April 25th, 2012 Volume 2, Issue 27   Rude Awakening The day has had quite an interesting start and the opportunity to practice what I teach. My favorite “stress management” system is HeartMath™. I put stress management in quotes because HeartMath is so much more than stress management. It has completely transformed my response to stressful situations and has given me a day to day sense of calm and focus, as opposed to the overwhelm I used to feel all the time. My husband headed out at 4:30 a.m. to catch a flight — he’s off for his annual reunion of friends he’s kept up with since his high school and college days. As a result, some of the kid-care tasks he usually does, like driving to school, are my job for the next 5 days. Unfortunately, after saying good-bye to him and falling back asleep, I either slept through […]

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Cleansing and Detoxification Strategies for Spring

  It's that time of year. The time of year where we open our houses, clean out the winter cobwebs and tackle that spring cleaning. Which makes it the perfect time of year to spring clean your digestive system too! We all need periodic cleansing to wake up and...

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Practical Changes when going Gluten-Free

Practical Changes when going Gluten-Free

We've been covering gluten-free a lot in the past few weeks. Why? Because it's one of the most important changes you can possibly make in your life. Gluten sensitivity is the root of so many dis-eases and it's found everywhere. Last week on the show, we talked about...

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Your Brain on Gluten and My Special Day Off

[email protected] Tell a friend! Forward this e-mail to a friend! Not subscribed yet? Don’t miss an issue! Personal Note from Dr. Ritamarie Feature Article: Your Brain on Gluten: It’s Not a Pretty Picture Events Radio Appearances About Dr. Ritamarie Energy Recharge Resources Dr. Ritamarie Recommends   April 4th, 2012 Volume 2, Issue 26   It’s Time to Celebrate! I’m feeling especially happy today. It’s my birthday, and I’m taking the day off. No appointments, no phone calls, and maybe even no e-mail. The weather promises to be warm with temperatures in the mid-eighties. My plan is to run, hike, eat and play. If the water’s warm enough, I will even swim. I’ve worked through many weekends and now it’s time to take a break! While I’m away, I have lots of resources for you to help you live life with celebration and joy. Gluten-Free Is NOT just a FAD. This week’s article is about the effects of gluten on your brain. On Thursday, we’ll have Part 4 of our gluten-free radio series. I have received so many wonderful comments about the first two shows in the series. The first two shows featured back-to-back interviews with Dr. Tom O’Bryan who’s […]

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Emotional Changes When Going Gluten-Free

Going gluten-free is extremely rewarding and life-changing. But it's not without its challenges. Finding gluten-free foods, withdrawal symptoms and emotions can make it very difficult to stay on a gluten-free diet. Joining Dr. Ritamarie to give you some ideas, tips...

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