Green Foods Go Mainstream

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A poster showing the ingredients for a vegan detox.

What's been in the news lately —from the New York Times to a parents' newsletter in a Glenview Illinois public school?

What is more nutrient dense, calorie for calorie, than just about any other food on the planet?

What's packed with nutrients, antioxidants and chlorophyll — all vital for protecting you from environmental exposures, toxins in the food and water supply, and hormone disruptors?

And the winner is….

Green Foods.

And, it's going mainstream!

People are waking up to the value of greens in health.

My husband shared an article form the Wall Street Journal entitled Doc, Do I Need a Juice Cleanse“?doctorritamarie-7cc59ba5-2110-4b19-b74e-e5bb76528ea4-v2

The picture to the right looks like it could have been a promo for my GREEN Cleanse. Not to mention the Wall Street Journal was gushing with praise about cleansing.

They reported comments from skeptics and naysayers – those who wondered what toxins we needed to cleanse from.

If you share this skepticism, watch the replay of a webinar I did last week called Spring Cleaning from the Inside Out for a full-on education about toxins, where they lurk ,and how you can avoid them/get rid of them.

The Wall Street Journal quoted New York Times best selling author Dr. Mark Hymen, MD, and he's pretty persuasive.

Last weekend, my brother-in-law forwarded me the newsletter his kids' elementary school sent to the parents.

On the last page was a note about March being Nutrition Awareness month, and they recommended blending fruits and vegetables into a green smoothie to boost the kids' nutrition. And there were 4 green smoothie recipes.  And the recipes that included milk, most listed almond, coconut and soy milk as alternatives to dairy!


Public schools and the Wall Street Journal.  Who would have thought!

Cleansing Webinar Replay Available Until Friday!

These articles are very timely in, that last week, I offered an information-packed webinar on the benefits of cleansing and shared my strategies for staying clean, lean and green. The replay is now available.

Click HERE for Immediate Access to the Spring Cleanse Detox Webinar Replay!

Watch the video and decide for yourself if you want to be part of the GREEN Cleanse Revolution that's changing the world.  It's my secret, in my back pocket strategy for feeling, acting and looking younger than my years!

Here's what Lynne from Colorado had to say about My Gut Revitalizing Easy Energizing Cleanse:

“I have to buy new jeans again, as I lost 6-8 lbs. I’ll live with it! Thanks Dr. Ritamarie for all of your support, and for all the knowledge you impart to us during the calls, and for answering ALL of our questions in such a way that sets us up for success so totally. There is no one else out there that does what you do. Thank you!”

Comment below: What are some of your favorite ways of consuming green foods?

With love and appreciation,


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

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