Get ready to welcome the freshness of spring and celebrate St. Patrick's Day with our Fudgy Mint Chocolate Chia Porridge recipe! Yum! I just love mint chocolate treats. This fabulous breakfast, or dessert, combines anti-inflammatory chia seeds with the invigorating...
Food Sensitivities and Elimination Diets
Eggs are often touted as “nature’s perfect food” due to their balanced amino acid profile. They are indeed a very popular food. It’s estimated that the average American will eat 289 eggs in 2020. I don’t eat any, and millions of...
Practitioner Corner: What is the Purpose of Your Practice?
Aristotle said that everything in nature has a purpose. He also wrote, “Nature does nothing uselessly.” Today's article is a guest post, from Lynn DeBuhr Johnson, a talented health coach and health researcher, who is part of my team of Nutritional Endocrinology...
Radio Show: The Top 3 Emotions That Are Negatively Affecting Your Gut Health
Host and Guest: Lynn DeBuhr Johnson and Arttemis Keszainn In this show you'll learn: How the mind, body, and emotions are all connected What the top 3 emotions are that negatively affect your GI health How hormones, neuropeptides, emotions, and the work of Dr. Candace...
Radio Show: Gluten’s Gotta Go!
Host and Guest: Lynn DeBuhr Johnson interviews Diane Letchworth, CGP In this show you'll learn: Why it's important to be gluten-free, even if you don't have Celiac disease What the different tests are that you can use for gluten sensitivity What gluten sensitivity...
Radio Show: Your Liver, Parasites, and the Healing Crisis
Hosts: Lynn DeBuhr Johnson and Jane Guyette In this show you'll learn: The function of the liver and what can go wrong Different parasites and how they affect your liver A process you can use to rejuvenate your liver Check Out Health Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with...