Boost Your Energy with Cleansing and Detoxification

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A woman standing in front of a blender, promoting veganism for optimal health.

Periodic deep cleaning is a desirable thing. You may do it to your home, your car, even your pets. But chances are, you don't even think about doing a periodic cleansing of your internal organs.

Throughout the ages, various forms of cleansing have been used to rest, heal and restore mental clarity. Water and juice fasting are among the most rigorous methods. A variety of potions and powders have been developed to cleanse the colon and the liver. The Master Cleanse is one of the more popular cleansing programs of our modern time. Many of these cleansing methods work well. All have advantages and disadvantages. None works perfectly for everyone.
Join Dr. Ritamarie as she uncovers the pros and cons of cleansing and discusses the benefits of a Green Smoothie Cleanse.

For more information on join us for a free online class “How to Melt Belly Fat and Reduce Brain Fog in 7 days or Less”

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