BrainTime: Drug Free Solutions for ADHD

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A man in a blue shirt smiling, promoting functional health, in front of a tree.

We are facing an epidemic of ADHD and learning disabilities, affecting more families and stretching our school systems farther each year.

Today, one in ten children are diagnosed with ADHD and one in six with a learning disability, and the total cost for parents and schools for each child diagnosed with ADHD is a whopping $14,500 per year!

There is increased recognition of these conditions, but even though science has a new understanding of what if happening in the brain of someone with ADHD or a learning disability, mainstream treatment has not changed much over the last 40 years.

This week Dr. Jim Otis will join Dr. Ritamarie to talk about drug-free solutions for ADHD and learning disabilities.

In this show you will learn:

  • What is happening in your or your child’s brain
  • The limitations of mainstream treatment for ADHD and learning disabilities
  • Drug-free solutions that can help you or your child focus when you need to, think clearly, learn easily, and get more done

 About Dr. Otis:

Dr. Jim Otis is a board-certified functional neurologist in practice for 30 years, offering drug-free treatment for a wide variety of other neurological problems.

He developed and patented BrainTime®, an easy-to-use, at-home procedure that is helpful for people with ADHD and learning disabilities, memory and balance problems, brain injuries, strokes, and chronic pain.

He provides continuing education in the field of functional neurology for medical doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, and chiropractors, and has made frequent radio and television appearances in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Additional Resources:

Learn about BrainTime®, a drug-free solution for ADHD and Learning Disabilities. Click Here.

Click here to download…

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