Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal fatigue and Fibromyalgia: Strategies for Getting Your Life Back

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Did you know that 80% of American women will suffer from Adrenal Fatigue at some point in their lives?  That number is staggering.   Are you one of the 20% of Americans  have fatigue symptoms so intense that they interfere with your  ability to lead a normal life?  A mind boggling 50% of adults who seek medical treatment complain of feeling tired all the time. Most of them are women.

Whether you're one of the 3.7 million Americans suffering from the fatigue associated with fibromyalgia, or have hypothyroidism,or have been  told you have chronic fatigue or just plain feel tired all the time and don't know why,  you need to do something about it and you need to do it right away.  Your life is slipping away, and you're missing out on all the joy and fulfillment that is your birthright to step into and live.

If  you've been told that there's nothing to be done and offered drugs to ease your suffering, it's time for you to take charge of your health and get this problem resolved.

On Monday evening June 1 I'll be leading a FREE teleseminar called “The 3 myths about fatigue That Every Woman Should Know”   and I'd like you to join me.   The call will be taped, so if you can't make it live, you can listen in on the recording.

I did a LIVE version of the workshop on  Friday evening in Austin and everyone took away a few techniques guaranteed to increase their energy.

How would your life be improved if you had more energy? Find out how.

Join me this evening Monday June 1 for “3 Myths About Fatigue That Every Woman Should Know”. Sign up here:

Sign Up for 3 Myths about Fatigue Teleclass

Talk to you later

Love, Health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S. if you haven't signed up yet for the “Get Your Green on Class”, please do so right away. The early bird discount rate is going away right after the teleseminar Monday evening June 1.

P.P.S Join us and our special guests Gideon and Jackie Graff for a 6 course Country Barbecue Raw Vegan meal on Tuesday June 2

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