Day 14 of the 30 Day Fun and Sleep Challenge: Exercise, Vitamin D and Antidotes for Chronic Fatigue

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What do chronic fatigue, belly fat, depression and hormone imbalance have in common?

freedomExercise, sleep, fresh air, sunshine (vitamin D) and fresh foods.  A deficiency of any or all of these can create imbalances in hormones and  blood sugar irregularities that lead to persistent belly fat, fatigue and depression.  So what do these have to do with the 30 day fun and sleep challenges?  Plenty!  Most people I talk with feel fatigued much of the time and would like more energy.

Lack of sleep is only part of the equation, but it can make you fat.  Researchers have found that lack of sleep can cause decreased leptin levels.  Leptin is a hormone that regulates your appetite. As a result of not getting enough sleep, you'll find yourself more hungry and you'll find it challenging to control the amount you eat.  This leads to blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance and increased belly fat.  Insulin resistance results in fatigue after eating, rather than  increased energy, which means you're less likely to exercise.  It's quite the vicious circle.

While I have not been as good as I had planned at writing these blog posts daily, I am pleased to admit that the reason why I haven't had the time to write the blog posts daily is that I have been fulfilling my commitment to get to bed as close to midnight as possible.  Thus, I am sleeping more.  As a result of sleeping more, I've also been exercising more.  A double win!  There have only been a couple of later than midnight bedtimes, and that was because I chose to sit in the sauna before bed.

If my lack of posting has in any way effected your commitment to the 30 Day Fun and Sleep Challenge, my apologies.  I am committed to resuming writing daily, and have it scheduled in my calendar.

Our weather in Austin has finally become warm and sunny!  I'm very happy about that.  The mornings have still been cool…40's, but the afternoons are in the 70's and 80's.  So I have been out for a run in the sun most days this week.  It feels great.

I am usually very consistent with exercise…as consistent as I am with food.  When the weather got so cold and cloudy for so long, I got out of the habit of running first thing in the morning, and some days, time and obligations got away from me and I found my exercise dwindling.

In addition to getting your daily dose of vitamin D on sunny days, exercising in the fresh air offers so many benefits. Exercise is super important for hormone balance, weight management, increasing your energy and overcoming fatigue.  It's also good for your heart, your mood and your immune system.  Fresh air and exercise are a dynamic duo, so get outside and move as much as you can.

My blog post back in the fall about exercise and burst training is a good one to review for some tips.

My report card for the last few days:

1- getting to sleep at or around midnight:  Excellent

2- exercise:  excellent

3- writing my blog posts:  fair

4- Having fun – good.  I've spent a lot of time with family and have had some friend fun too.

My commitments for Monday:

1- bed by midnight.

2- finish writing a few projects that are close to completion

3- fun time with kids, who are off school for spring break

4- running in the sun

Commitment for at least one day this week:  Get to bed by 10 PM and see if it is really as good as it's cracked up to be!

What about you?  What are you committed to?

Post below in the comments section.

This week we're having a contest.  I'm offering a prize to whoever posts the most this week…genuine commitments and report cards.  I'll post the prize on Tuesday.

Wishing you lots of Love, Health and Joy (and sleep, too)

Dr. Ritamarie

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  1. mary

    Well I have been having some internet difficulties so haven’t been able to get online all weekend. But I am back now.

    Thanks so much for the advice on concious eating- I have been making an attempt at it and doing fair. I find the deep breathe before eating and the thinking about the food first- those are easy. It is the staying focused during the meal and chewing thoroughly that need improvement. I have stopped eating in front of the computer- that is a big deal for me. I have not had any nuts since Thursday- this is great.

    My commitment for tomorrow and probably the rest of the week:
    -Avoid nuts
    -practice appreciative concious eating and chew thoroughly!

  2. mary

    So I fulfilled my nut commitment 100% today! No nuts again! Pretty cool.
    The conscious eating is improving and I am very mindful of trying even if I am not very good at it yet.

    tomorrow the same commitments
    -Avoid nuts
    -practice appreciative concious eating and chew thoroughly!


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