Dr. Ritamarie’s Appreciations for Today – Day 21

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A hanukkah menorah on a white background celebrating the festival of lights.

Today we're traveling back home after a  three day family visit to Chicago.

The tradition in my husband's family is to celebrate Hanukkah right after Thanksgiving, since the entire family is gathered together.  Rather than send gifts during Hanukkah,  we prefer to give gifts so we can participate in the joy the children experience when they open their gifts.

It's was a big gathering, including my mother-in-law, her 5 kids and spouses, 12 grandchildren and 3 spouses and 4 great grand children.

As we're on our way back home, I reflect upon my gratitudes for today.

Dr. Ritamarie's Appreciations for Today – Day 21

  1. I am thankful for the gift of family, and the love that flows without bound.
  2. I am grateful that we have the means to be able travel and spend time with family during the holidays.
  3. I am extra appreciative for the gift of health and the knowledge and insights I have that allow me to stay vibrant and full of energy.

If you're looking to experience more energy, health and joy, join me on this appreciation journey and watch magical things unfold.

Comment below with 3 things you appreciate today.

With Great Love and Appreciation,

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S. In honor of my childhood tradition, I decided to offer a “Gratitude Weekend” sale. No pressure, no competition. Simply honest savings of up to 75% on health enhancing resources to make your life more joyful and comfortable.

Gratitude Weekend is described HERE.

Go ahead, give yourself an energy boost. Comment below about what you appreciate today.

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  1. Laura

    I appreciated a clear and safe drive to Crescent City

    I appreciated that my loving, and caring, Brother in Law John came with us to visit my Mom

    I appreciated the lovely dinner at The Good Harvest Cafe

  2. Beatriz

    I will post several days today. So I start with:
    1.- I love the excitement children start to feel around this time. Christmas is coming!

    2.- I love how the kids remember and talk about the aunts and uncles who live far away but will be here for Christmas .They can hardly wait to see them.

    3.- I appreciate that we are all happy for the fact that our family from Brasil will be here, and also our family from New Mexico. The telephone calls are many and close together.



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