Dr. Ritamarie’s Gratitude Journal Day 13

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gratitude for warm blankets

I've started an Appreciation Journal, and I plan to continue to share my appreciations every day for 30 days.

If you're looking to experience more energy, health and joy, join me on this appreciation journey and watch magical things unfold.

Comment below with 3 things you appreciate today.

Dr. Ritamarie's Appreciations for Today – Day 13

  1. I appreciate having choices and getting feedback when the choices support me and when they don't.
  2. I appreciate warm blankets and comfy pillows.
  3. I appreciate that my 13-year old made the basketball team at school.

I do so love to read all your appreciations, so keep them coming.

With Great Love and Appreciation,

Dr. Ritamarie

Go ahead, give yourself an energy boost. Comment below about what you appreciate today.

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  1. peppylady (Dora)

    1. Hubby
    2. Pets
    3. Kindness of other people.

    Coffee is on.

  2. Leila

    Day 13, Nov. 16th

    1.I appreciate my Kindle and how easy it is reading in bedwith it. ?
    2.I totally appreciate the internet and how easy it is to get and receive communication.
    3.I so appreciate being able to sit in the sun this afternoon just relaxing in the warmth. I really appreciate doing this totally guilt free knowing the rest was important as my sleep wasn’t the best last might.

  3. Laura

    I appreciate that I feel so good today, with major energy. The diet is finally beginning to come together for me.

    I appreciate listening to like minded people on Dr. Ritamarie’s call tonight.

    I appreciate resting with a cup of tea and a book.

  4. Beatriz

    I appreciate being able to sleep late when I am tired, especially on a rainy morning.

    I appreciate a warm cat cuddled up close to me and purring loudly. Contentment for both of us!

    I appreciate a loving husband that closes the bedroom door so I will not hear any noise.



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