Dr. Ritamarie’s Gratitude Journal Day 24

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Chef Karen Osborne

I've started an Appreciation Journal, and I plan to continue to share my appreciations every day for 30 days.

If you're looking to experience more energy, health and joy, join me on this appreciation journey and watch magical things unfold.

Comment below with 3 things you appreciate today.

Dr. Ritamarie's Appreciations for Today – Day 24

  1. I am grateful to my husband, Scott for putting up all the Christmas and Hanukkah decorations.
  2. I am grateful to our insurance company for fixing the hottub.
  3. I appreciate Karen Osborne for coming up with an incredible menu for our upcoming Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish class.

I do so love to read all your appreciations, so keep them coming.

With Great Love and Appreciation,

Dr. Ritamarie

Go ahead, give yourself an energy boost. Comment below about what you appreciate today.

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  1. Beatriz

    1.- I appreciate the cool mornings, I really miss fall weather.

    2.-I appreciate the insights I sometimes get of the people around me. It makes life easier when I just step back and let things unfold.

    3.-I appreciate that when I open the refrigerator I can say “Oh good, kale, yummy” It has been a long road to get to this point.

  2. Laura

    I appreciate Beatriz and Leila – I love reading your posts Ladies, and thank you for your kind words yesterday!

    I appreciate my friend Susan taking such good care of me today, and helping me remember my Mom in a fun way.

    I appreciate all the e-mails, texts, calls, and hugs I received today.


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