I've started an Appreciation Journal, and I plan to continue to share my appreciations every day for 30 days.
If you're looking to experience more energy, health and joy, join me on this appreciation journey and watch magical things unfold.
Comment below with 3 things you appreciate today.
Dr. Ritamarie's Appreciations for Today – Day 25
- I am grateful for the sweetness of sleep. I have been getting between 8 and 9 hours of sleep for the past 5 days and it feels heavenly.
- I am grateful to the amazing participants on the B4 Be Gone System who have shared their gratitudes for weight reductions as high as 44 pounds and greatly improved quality of life. I am very happy to be there to be able to be of service.
- I appreciate the warmth and love of my friends and family and my ability to be who I am without holding back.
I do so love to read all your appreciations, so keep them coming.
With Great Love and Appreciation,
Dr. Ritamarie
Today I appreciate:
1.- the fact that my clothes are too big for me. It means that the B4BeGone program is doing what Dr. Ritamarie said it would … YAY!
2.- This body: it has reacted so very well to all the changes Dr. Ritamarie has explained and suggested to us.I feel better every day, with so much more energy. Thank you!
3.- I love waking up every morning, full of energy. What a gift!
I appreciate how easy it has been to work with state and federal agencies in a small town.
I appreciate laughter and joy!
I appreciate life!
Nov. 30, 2011
1.I appreciate always feeling better after I drink my green juice.
2.I am grateful for people who are motivating. As I work with a woman I met thru the Label GMO’s campaign (http://www.labelgmos.org/) here in CA, I realize, once again, how our positive behaviors can positively influence others.
3.I appreciate being able to research anything I want on the computer.