Emotional Stress and Your Health

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I'm sharing this announcement with you because the Heart Math techniques have transformed my life.  I've been using them for the past 5 years or so myself, and I've taught them to hundreds of patients and clients.  I became a certified Heart Math Coach about 5 years ago.  I have a product called Transforming Stress which guides you step by step through a couple of the techniques I find most helpful.  It has changed my life for the better.  If you can fit this teleseminar into your schedule, I highly recommend it.  I've already put it on my calendar.

A special HeartMath MicroTraining in May to benefit the nation’s service men and women will feature HeartMath medical director and author, Dr. Bruce Wilson, a prominent Wisconsin cardiologist. Dr. Wilson’s presentation is especially timely. Emotional Stress and Your Health, a one-hour Teleseminar presented by Wilson and psychologist Dr. Deborah Rozman, takes on added importance in light of a recent Gallup Poll. Representing 95% of the world’s population from 140 countries, the poll shows that positive emotions were a reliable predictor of better health and negative emotions were a reliable predictor of worse health, even when basic needs of food, shelter and safety were met.

Dr. Wilson, author of The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension, has lectured about and taught HeartMath’s emotion refocusing and self-management tools for over a decade in hospitals, companies, school systems and with his own patients. He will share his story of why he got involved with HeartMath and address the beneficial effects that HeartMath methods and emotional management tools have on people with chronic diseases. Dr. Rozman, author of HeartMath’s Transforming Series books, will discuss practical ways you can reduce stress, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions in these difficult times.

Among those most in need of HeartMath’s scientifically developed tools and technology are returning combat troops and the nation’s veterans, and the Institute of HeartMath is offering this MicroTraining in their behalf.

HeartMath already has assisted a great number of military personnel and hopes to expand access to its tools to thousands more, especially those coping with the personal impact of war. All donations from those attending this May 30 Teleseminar will go directly toward the Military Appreciation Service Fund. (So we ask that if you find value in this event, please consider a contribution of $10, $25 or $35 to this fund.)

Wilson, formerly acute cardiac care director at the University of Minnesota and director of the University of Pittsburgh Heart Institute, has a private practice in Milwaukee, Wis. He is a clinical associate professor of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin and serves as the medical director for IHM sister company, HeartMath LLC.

Co-presenter Rozman, co-CEO of Quantum InTech Inc., is a psychologist and author of numerous books, with over 30 years of experience as a business executive, educator and researcher in the psychology of consciousness. She serves on the Institute of HeartMath’s Scientific Advisory Board and is a key spokesperson for the HeartMath System.

Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009
Time: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. (PST)


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