Get a Move On

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A woman in a white shirt is walking down a road.

Perhaps you are nowhere near 100% physically fit, but don’t let that stop you from a new exercise program.  It makes no difference if you are a bit awkward in the beginning – you will become stronger and more capable with consistent practice.

I once watched a neighbor with a debilitating health condition and excess weight begin a walking routine.  She was way out of her comfort zone, making it only as far as the end of the street and back before becoming overexerted.  But each day she persisted, extending her boundary a bit further each time until she was moving through the neighborhood with grace and joy.  What an inspiration she was for the rest of us holding back out of embarrassment or inertia!

What new form of exercise would you like to incorporate into your lifestyle?  Biking, running, dancing, martial arts…?  The only way to get closer to that 100% is to take action; push beyond embarrassment and/or inertia.  Whatever activity intrigues you, let no excuse hold you back!  Set a goal for yourself, draw up a plan, and just go to it.

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