Leaky Gut and Candida: Get Your Tract Back on Track!

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Abdominal pain, bloating,constipation, eczema, allergies…all these and more are symptoms of leaky gut and candida. It sounds kind of scary, doesn’t it?  Can I leave the house with a leaky gut?  Is it messy?  What’s actually leaking and where does it leak to?

Leaky gut is a very common condition of the small intestine. A leaky gut has been damaged and thus allows larger food molecules and toxins to readily enter the blood stream.

Rest assured, while leaky gut can have some very serious health complications, it’s generally not life threatening….at least not in the short term.  And nothing is leaking out of you, so no one can tell that you have it unless you tell them.  What’s leaking is the some of the contents of the small intestine, and where it’s leaking into is the blood stream.

These symptoms are, not surprisingly, very similar to the symptoms of candida overgrowth.  And, the symptoms are not confined to the gut!

Treatment for leaky gut and candida are very similar since both are caused by an overload of toxins that your body just doesn’t have the resources to get rid of.

Tune in today, Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 12:30pm CST to my radio show, Creating a Vibrant Life as I discuss leaky gut and candida. There will be a Q&A session so come prepared with questions!

When Digestive Systems Go Awry

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