“Going Steady” Blood Sugar Friendly Valentine’s Day Candy Raw Food Recipe

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It's Valentine's Day today, and I have a lovely little surprise for you.

I'm sharing a recipe for low-glycemic chocolates for the special day!

They are yummy and contain no sweeteners, not even dates. They are sweetened with a hint of stevia and are perfect for diabetics (and for you if you have difficulty with candida overgrowth or other gut ailments, hypoglycemia, or insulin resistance).

Actually they're good for everyone as too much sugar is not a good idea.

Try them!

“Going Steady” Blood Sugar Friendly Valentine's Day Candies

Recipe adapted courtesy of Chef Karen Osborne from B4 Be Gone Recipe collection

Happy and Healthy Valentine's DayIngredients:

  • 2 tablespoons almond butter, smooth
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 1/32 teaspoon sea salt, (a smidgen)
  • 6 drops Sweet Leaf Whole Leaf Stevia Concentrate, plain or chocolate flavored
  • 1 tablespoon raw carob powder or 1 tablespoons raw cacao, or 1/2 tablespoon each
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil, food grade
  • 1/4 teaspoon maca powder (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract (optional)


  1. Whisk or stir all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Spoon into heart shaped candy molds.
  3. Freeze for 30 minutes.
  4. Enjoy!

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