Green Smoothie Power

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I’m heading back to Austin after a very exciting extended weekend in Tucson. Not only did I have great family time, but I attended a business strategy retreat that has me buzzing with excitement. Within the next month I will begin to unveil my plans for a program that is unique, affordable and deeply empowering. I can’t reveal the details yet, but over the next few weeks, some of it is sure to leak.

My 8 month old nephew Jason had another green smoothie today, and he enjoyed it immensely. It was so heartwarming to listen to his squeals of delight as my sister, his grandmother, fed it to him with a spoon. I am coaching her to continue to give him green smoothies daily to provide him with an abundance of nutrition and a powerful immune system.

As for me, I’m excited to be doing another green smoothie cleanse next week, I lead a group cleanse every two months or so and I participate fully. Form, it’s the perfect way to give my body a rest from eating on the run, eating too late at night and not sleeping enough. I always feel lighter, more energetic and happier after I complete a Green Smoothie Cleanse. The group support helps me to follow through. I always keep my commitment to others. On my own, I sometimes fail to follow through.

Here’s the green smoothie recipe similar to what I made for 8 month old Jason:

  • 1 Peach
  • 1 cup pitted cherries, fresh or frozen
  • 1 Apple
  • A couple of handfuls of spinach
  • A couple of leaves of kale
  • 1 cup water

Blend and Taste. Add more fruit if needed. Thin with water if desired.

Enjoy a fabulous day.

Love and Health,

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S.  I wrote this on Monday Sept 29 at the airport and just got it posted today.  I am hosting a FREE teleseminar today called “Simple Strategies to Creating Vibrant Health, In Spite of Day to Day Challenges” You can sign up by going to:

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