Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy Birthday to ME

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A man is happily hanging from a rope on a tree.

Spring is a time of rebirth for nature, and it's a time to celebrate.

I am honored to share my birthday with the rebirth of the plants and animals after a long winter.

And with each birthday for me comes a bit of bitter-sweet since 1991, when my mother passed away suddenly at the young age of 56 – on my birthday.

mom and dad

So today I celebrate life – the life she gave to me, the life she left prematurely, and the amazing potential of nature.

I personally don't think of myself as “getting old,”  even though this is the last birthday I will celebrate in my 50's.

I tell all my friends that I have yet to reach middle age.

Growing old is an attitude.  If you think you're getting old, and our society considers you old over a certain age, then you “must be”  old, and therefore you become old.  But what if you didn't believe in getting old?

I believe you can defy the aging process, or at least slow it down, by thinking young, acting young, and taking care of your body in a way that preserves healthy functioning in spite of your chronological age.  Using the power of whole, fresh, living plant foods, appreciation, fitness, and the principles of nutritional endocrinology I teach, I believe there is no reason to get sick and weak with age.

I was very inspired when one of my team members sent me the link to a Huffington Post article about a woman named Phyllis Sues who shares my birthday, April 4, only she's 31 years older.  She just turned 90, and she does trapeze and looks more like she's 50.  Take a look at the pictures, and check out the full article “Loving Life at 90” HERE

90 year old dancer strong woman 9090 year old trapeze90 year old splits

There are additional inspirational stories about people who are defying aging , including a 102 year old competitive cyclist and a 95 year old runner.


Comment below and let me know what you'd like to be doing when you're in your 90s.

I'm inspired by Phyllis Sues, so in addition to continuing to run, swim, hike, and lift weights, I think the trapeze looks like a fun thing to learn!

To your health, love, and joy!




Dr. Ritamarie





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  1. Lorna

    Totally inspiring, Thank you this is just what I needed Phyllis’s philosophy is right on. We are brainwashed into aging and society’s norms do not help. When I turned 60 I was bombarded with funeral materials!!! really? and have you noticed how advertisement for people over 55 should exercise? sitting on a chair and lifting 2 lb weights! I am 66 and I do P90X yep, so I love reading articles like this one. I have been thinking about learning French which I love, I did in school Phyllis has just reminded me that I should get started on that. Way to go, she looks WONDERFUL, Thanks for sharing. HAVE A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY, BLESSINGS, LOVE AND LIGHT.

  2. sherry

    Like you I am an Aries so I just had my birthday (59th) too. I love to read about “older” people doing great things, it is so inspiring especially when we are bombarded daily with negative messages about aging. Thanks for the boost.

    • Ritamarie Loscalzo

      You’re welcome, Sherry! Happy birthday to you, too. Here’s to some great years to come!

  3. Beverly

    A Happy, Joyous, Prosperous and Healthy Birthday Dr. RM! Thank you for sharing these – the power of the mind is so amazing! I so appreciate all you share and give to us xoxoxo!


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