Happy New Year 2012: Tips and Resources for Vibrant Health

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Ritamarie: Personal lessons on balance and sleep

Happy New Year 2012

If you're like many, today is the day to create New Year's Resolutions.

The sad truth is the majority of people who make New Year's Resolutions abandon them and fall back into old habits by the first of February.

Why do so many people fail to make lasting habit changes, even though they are so determined to succeed?

What I've noticed is that when you set a New Year's Resolution, usually a habit that needs to be changed, you do so before taking the time to get connected to the mindset and feelings it takes to put the new habits into action.

You attempt to change a habit without first changing the underlying thoughts and emotions that created the habits that need to change. In my experience with thousands of patients and students over the years is that long lasting change happens when you make changes in the following order:

Head, Heart, Habits

12 Steps to a Healthy and Happy 2012

When you approach your health in an organized fashion and take steps in logical order, you are setting yourself up for success.. Below are the steps I have found to be most useful and are the ones I take my VIP private clients through. The order may be slightly different based on individual circumstances but the overall flow is similar.

Go ahead and get started. Your health will blossom and flourish when you do.

  1. Get in touch with your core values and visions: Start by getting in touch with what's really important to you. Knowing what you value above all else helps you make choices that support your health and life goals. Make a list of your core values – those things that are most important to you. Imagine that it's the end of 2012 and your life is exactly the way you envision. Nothing has gotten in your way, you've done everything you needed to create the body and life of your dreams. Write a description of your life in vivid detail.Take the time to stay focused on your vision and values. Every day, make choices that will bring you closer and closer to your vision. http://www.vibranthealthmindset.com
  2. Move your body every day, even if it's only for 10 minutes to start.
  3. Rest and sleep need to be at the top of your priority list. It's essential important for hormone balance, blood sugar balance and optimal fat burning. Check out my blog posts on sleep:
  4. Keep hydrated. Half your body weight (pounds) in fluid ounces is recommended.
  5. Eat and Drink Green Food – Lots of it – every day. https://drritamarie.com/BlendedGreens
  6. Balance your fat intake so that you have the correct ratio of omega 3 and 6 fats and avoid the dangerous heated, processed and oxidized fats.
  7. Put fun into your daily routine and learn to transform stressful moments to health enhancing opportunities. Join me on Thursday Jan 5 at 10AM Central time on My Radio Show as I explore play with a very special guest. https://drritamarie.com/radio/2011/12/play-living-life-to-the-fullest/
  8. Balance your blood sugar: http://www.B4BeGoneSystem.com
  9. Identify and remove hidden food allergies. Join me for a free teleseminar on January 3
  10. Optimize your digestion – read up on Leaky gut and digestion HERE
  11. Clean up your environment – replace cleaning and self care products with natural, non toxic equivalents.
  12. Balance Your Hormones http://www.VibrantHormones.com

Bonus Tip: Fine tune your body with structural and energetic balancing. Get regular chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and/or energy work keep yourself in balance.

Free Yourself in 2012 from the effects of Hidden Gluten Sensitivity and other Food Allergies

Free yourself from hidden food allergiesIf you've been having any persistent health challenges at all, serious or mild, or are struggling with weight that just doesn't want to come off, you might have hidden food allergies that are keeping you sick. Gluten, dairy and eggs are high on the list of most common allergens, and they are all ingredients in the conventional versions of holiday treats. Some researchers and authors estimate that 30 – 50% of the population may be sensitive to gluten, and most don't know it.

That's because gluten sensitivity symptoms are often vague and chronic, and so don't seem to flare up when gluten is consumed.

Part of the inability to detect a change in symptom presentation when eating gluten is that the average American eats gluten all day long every day! If you add it up, you might be surprised to find that many people eat more than 50% of their calories as gluten containing foods.

If you're ready to learn how food allergies may be hurting you and what you can do about it, sign up for my free teleclass on Tuesday, January 3rd: Turning Food Allergies Inside Out: Revealing the Culprits, Causes and Cures


2012: A free kit to help you kick gluten in the gluteus!

Kicking GlutenMy gluten-free survival kit has just been updated to include a fabulous new e-book called Eliminate the Gluten and Accelerate your Health. It's filled with recipes, articles and lists of foods that contain hidden gluten. The kit contains an audio, recipes, an article on the link between autism and ADD and gluten, and a presentation about the thyroid gland.

You can access it here:


Please pass the link to anyone you know who might be suffering from gluten sensitivity.

I look forward to connecting on Jan. 3rd to demystify food allergies and guide you to assessing the likelihood of hidden food allergies compromising your health.


Lov, Health and Joy to you in 2012,

Dr. Ritamarie

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