Health you can sink your teeth into

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In This Issue
Personal Note from Dr. Ritamarie
September 16th, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 12
  Finding Reasons to Show Off My Smile

Ahhhh…the phrase TGIF comes to mind as we finish this week!

I'm pretty passionate about what I do. I love teaching, coaching, and everything about health and nutrition. I love when the light goes on in someone's eyes when they “get it”. I love when I hear back a month or so after a Discovery Consultation with someone and get feedback about how just one thing I said completely changed things for the better.

medication versus foodI love seeing changes on blood tests, especially in people who have been told they'd just have to “live with it” and take medication to control the symptoms. I am a results junkie, but I am also a process junkie.

I love guiding people through the process and empowering them to connect with their true source of wisdom, power, and strength.

Not a day goes by that I don't stop to really give thanks for the privilege I have in connecting with people world-wide with the message of health and healing.

So why, on this Friday afternoon in mid-September, 2011, am I outpouring all this gratitude in my newsletter that reaches over 10, 000 readers?

To be perfectly honest, it's because it's been such a challenging week. Appreciation shifts my emotions from worry, fear, anger, and frustration into tranquility, peacefulness, and joy.
The power of appreciation to heal is stronger than just about any pharmaceutical, herb, or food.  Within 5 minutes of experiencing a feeling of appreciation, your entire body chemistry changes, including the immune lining of your gut, lungs, sinuses and digestive track.

Heart Math

So in a sea of faling technology, IRS audits, frustrated team members, and disappointed wanna be customers whose orders won't go through, I have the ability to float, breathe, and regain my composure.
If you'd like to know my secret, I encourage you to listen to the webinar I recorded last night. You can get access to it as part of my Bye-Bye Belly Fat, Brain Fog, and Burnout free video series HERE.

On the recording, I share my stress transformation secret and guide you through a mini-vacation!  In spite of the fact that dozens of potential orders are still pending, a long list of things that “have to” get done and the great outdoors calling to me, I am seeing myself on a white sand beach slurping a mango pineapple green smoothie and soaking up some sun.

Ahhhhh. I feel better already.

My teeth are feeling awfully grateful today, too.

I did a totally awesome radio show on Thursday, with special guest Nadine Artemis of Living Libations. I can't believe I got so excited about the topic of dental care!

Successful Self-DentistryNadine opened my eyes about so many aspects of dental care that my head was spinning by the end. After the 30 minutes allotted for the show on Blog Talk Radio, she and I stayed on to record an extra 15 minutes of super helpful info about how to keep your pearly whites pearly, white, and super healthy and strong. Here's a link to the show.

As a result of our interview, I'm planning to keep a salt water rinse by my work area and one in the kitchen to rinse my teeth every hour. Listen to the interview to find out why!

I'm also planning to order her home dental care products and start using the essential oils. I had a lot of dental problems when I was young and as a result, I have a mouth full of crowns, bridges, and fillings. Nadine talked about ways to actually reverse decay and restore teeth. I can't wait to get started.

I look forward to giving my teeth some very special extra attention over the next 6 months, then going back to the dentist to see major improvement. My teeth were a mess beginning as early as I remember. With all the sugar and processed food I ate as a kid, it was no wonder. Now I am paying the price of past dental neglect and old dental work that is beginning to deteriorate.

With Nadine's help, I plan to have a new set of pearly whites a year from now by using her Living Libations strategies for Successful Self-Dentistry

With love, gratitude, and positive energy,

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


Creating Vibrant Health Feature Article
What Your Dentist Forgot to Mention:
Ten Surprising Facts to Boost Your Oral Health
By Nadine Artemis

surprising facts about dental careLike most of us, you probably learned to brush and floss your teeth as a child. The truth is, brushing and flossing isn't enough. And we have got the cavities, crowns, root canals, and missing teeth to prove it.

Scientific advances have increased our knowledge about our teeth and our health, enabling us to take charge of our teeth in ways we never dreamed about. Learn about surprising facts that have been uncovered in “What Your Dentist Forgot to Mention.” These top ten facts will inform you.

Fact #1

Your teeth are alive and capable of healing themselves from early cavity damage. When bacteria are removed, and our diet improved, the cavity can be halted.

Let us compare a brown spot on our tooth to a cut. When we cut ourselves, we clean the wound. We should regard cavities like open wounds; they are a symptom of infection, not something to fill with foreign substances.

We need to perceive the inside of our mouth as a whole, living organ, a living ecological system that can be nourished, strengthened, and regenerated.

Fact #2

Our saliva contains enzymes to take care of our teeth. When teeth are well lubricated in healthy saliva, the saliva can heal decay — and even prevent it.

What is saliva? It is a saline solution of enzymes, peptides, minerals, and bicarbonate. It can re-mineralize or de-mineralize teeth and should not be too acid or alkaline. If it is too acid, it dissolves teeth enamel, creates a healthy environment for bacteria, and leads to sensitive teeth. On the other hand, if saliva is too alkaline, it excretes calcium and can create calculus buildup on the teeth.
Saliva is one of the superheroes of our mouths, yet it has to be able to do its job effectively. You can help by keeping hydrated with spring water during the day.

Fact #3

your teeth and gumsBleeding gums can often be remedied, sometimes in 24 to 48 hours. Gums are easy to heal with dedication and a few minor daily changes.

Gums are like turtleneck sweaters to our teeth. If they turn into crew necks, bacteria can get to the teeth and cause trouble. It is wise to take care of our gums whenever there are problems. Usually the gums get in trouble before the teeth.

Fact #4

Bleaching your teeth is less than recommended! Whiteness should come from within. Your teeth should actually be radiating the whiteness of their dentin beneath the enamel. Polishing your teeth is a good way to remove biofilm and colors from foods.

Fact #5

toothpasteToothpaste has chemicals you would not want in your mouth, or your body! Although we were all raised with a toothbrush and toothpaste, just stroking your teeth with a toothbrush and rinsing will remove more bacteria and plaque than using a brush with regular toothpaste. Baking soda is less abrasive to enamel than toothpaste.

Fact #6

Chronic diseases can originate from root-filled teeth, according to Dr. George Meinig, author of Root Canal Cover-Up. He concludes a “high percentage of chronic degenerative diseases,” most frequently heart and circulatory disease and joint diseases, can be traced to root canals.

tooth rootDr. Meinig founded the American Association of Endodonists (root canal specialists). He was inspired to write his book after reading 1,174 pages of root canal research by Dr. Weston Price, who examined dental infections and degenerative disease.

If you would like to know about inflammation levels in your mouth and body, blood tests can be a wonderful tool. You will need a doctor or skilled professional to interpret the results.

Fact # 7

Dental amalgams leak mercury. If you have amalgam fillings, they may be responsible for the biggest exposure you'll ever have to mercury in your lifetime.

Dr. Boyd Haley reports, “Mercury is one of the most potent chemical inhibitors of thiol-sensitive enzymes, and mercury vapor easily penetrates into the central nervous system. Amalgams leak mercury, this is a fact that any chemistry department can confirm.”

The best options for fillings or restorations are ceramics and ceramic-resin hybrids, which are different from porcelain. These ceramic options are generally bio-compatible and are strong enough for long-term use. For more information about the brands and types of bonding options, consult Making the Right Dental Choices by Dr. Bob Marshall.

Fact #8

After you have your teeth cleaned, many harmful bacteria are present in the saliva. They will reestablish themselves on the teeth and in the blood stream. In fact, one is not allowed to donate blood for 48 hours after a dental cleaning.

Fact #9

teeth and candyThere is more to avoiding cavities than avoiding hard candy because it sticks in your teeth. In fact, there is more to it than avoiding candy altogether, or even sweets altogether. Decay is not caused by sugar touching the teeth, but by sugar in the diet. Prolonged spikes in blood sugar deplete nutrition, and that can result in tooth decay.

Maintaining low daily glucose levels is a good way to have a positive impact on the health of our teeth and gums. Sugar creates acidity in the mouth, the opposite of what healthy saliva needs. It also leaches minerals from the teeth, bringing phosphorus and calcium levels into imbalance, which is a formula for decay. Decay of the tooth enamel is less about the food that gets stuck beside it and more about the nutrients that get sucked into it. While external factors play a role, they are not the initiating factors in oral decay.

Although we have been taught that brushing our teeth is important, it isn't everything. Tooth care goes far beyond merely brushing our teeth.

In fact, all processed food can lead to decay. The science is simple and can be summed up in one sentence: processed and refined foods can disrupt the digestion and the endocrine system, altering the flow of nutrients to the teeth. When the internal environment has collapsed, the nutrition is vacant, and you have got a few generations of depleted nutrition in your genealogy, it is less than ideal for your teeth and gums.

Fact #10

Sealants to prevent cavities don't make sense. Although sealants are often recommended to prevent cavities in children, it is done by etching the tooth and filling micro-pores with plastic resin to seal pits and fissures that often decay. While it seems practical, the sealants leak Bisphenol A, which is toxic. Furthermore, sealants only last about a year. And while they may protect the teeth from bacteria, some bacteria become trapped beneath the sealant, resulting in an even weaker tooth when the sealant wears away.

To avoid trapping bacteria, a new technique has been developed. The tooth is cleaned beforehand with a drill burr. Unfortunately, this removes part of the tooth, leaving you with a tiny cavity filling on a new tooth — just to prevent filling a cavity.

Successful Self-Dentistry

About the Author

Nadine ArtemisNadine Artemis is the creator of Living Libations, an exquisite line of serums, elixirs and essentials oils for those seeking the purest botanical health and beauty products on the planet. She is a frequent commentator on health and beauty for media outlets and her products have received rave reviews in The New York Times, The National Post and The Hollywood Reporter.

Described by Alanis Morissette as “a true-sense visionary,” Nadine has amassed a stunning collection of rare and special botanical extracts. An innovative aromacologist, Nadine develops immune enhancing formulas and medicinal blends for health and wellness: her potent dental drops are used worldwide and provide the purest oral care available. Drawing on her unique ability to depict scent as living colour, known as the gift of synesthesia, Nadine taps into the purest plant essences to create truly sublime botanical compounds.

Her creations, along with her concept of “Renegade Beauty,” encourage effortlessness, eschew regimes and inspire people to rethink conventional notions of beauty. Nadine's new paradigm for beauty and her natural approach to health presents a revolutionary vision: it allows the life-force of flowers, dewdrops, plants, sun and water to be the ingredients of healthy living and lets everything unessential, contrived and artificial fall away.

Also by Nadine Artemis

“Successful Self Dentistry: How to Avoid the Dentist Without Ignoring Your Teeth” provides you with strategies to empower of your oral health. “Successful Self Dentistry: How to Avoid the Dentist Without Ignoring Your Teeth” gives you eight steps you can implement yourself and includes useful tips regarding mouth rinse, flossing, polishing and gums. You'll also learn how to improve your diet, how to protect your children's teeth, herbal therapies, how to choose a dentist and how to prepare for a dental appointment.

Stay in Touch

Twitter: livinglibations

Events with Dr. Ritamarie
Upcoming Raw Food University Classes:

You can attend our Raw Food University Classes live and in person and get to sample the delicious raw food recipes or learn to make these dishes from the comfort of your own home.

Either way, you get a recipe guide e-book and fully indexed online video class you can watch over and over.

  • September 25th, 2011Eating for Hormone Balance
  • October 9th, 2011 Oil-Free Dressings and Dips that Delight
  • November 19th, 2011Eating for Health and Longevity
  • December 10th, 2011Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish

Check back here soon for more details to be announced!

Radio Shows with Dr. Ritamarie
Upcoming Shows:
Dr. Ritamarie's Vibrant Health Solutions Radio Show: combining experience, education, and practical advice to make healthful eating fun again! Click here to learn more.
Self Dentistry with Nadine Artemis: How to Avoid the Dentist Without Ignoring Your Teeth – Thursday, September 15th, 2011

successful self dentistryYour teeth are a powerful window to your overall health. Happy, healthy teeth and gums allow the full enjoyment of life's sensuality.

If you are finding excuses to avoid the dentist's chair… if you have been brushing and flossing and still have sensitive teeth and gums… if you know the mouth is your portal to peak health and longevity and want to be proactive…then you need to tune in to this show.

Nadine Artemis, founder of Living Libations, joins Dr. Ritamarie as they discuss how to have a healthy mouth on a raw diet. They will give you the information you need to evolve your oral care for the better. Not to mention inspiring you and equipping you to take the journey towards greater health — in your mouth and throughout your body.

NEW TIMES: 8:00 am PT, 9:00 am MT, 10:00 am CT, 11:00 am ET

Click here to attend the show!
Radio Shows Archive:
You'll find a wealth of free natural health resources when you visit our radio shows archive! Look for the most recent shows in the sidebar of the Vibrant Health Solutions Radio Show homepage. Here are the latest shows we've added:
Burnout: Do You Know Where Your Energy is?

Burnout - Do You Know Where Your Energy is?Do you wake up after a long night's sleep only to still feel exhausted?

You may very well be experiencing burnout.

Did you know that your organs and glands can suffer from fatigue? Your skin and immune system can too.

Often “exhaustion” is at a cellular level. When your skin is tired, you get outbreaks and slow wound healing. When your digestion becomes sluggish, you may experience constipation or indigestion. A fatigued immune system can't adequately protect you from microbes and starts to attack itself. And a worn out liver is unlikely to be efficient at eliminating toxins.

Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn what influences may be making you tired at a cellular level.

Declutter Your Life – Thursday, September 1st, 2011

Are you Drowning in Clutter?Are you drowning in clutter? Does your clutter make you feel as though you can't breathe?

Tolerating clutter means that you just aren't living life to the full. Clutter can also have adverse effects on your health, including a reduced sense of well-being.

If you're ready to clear your home's stagnant, negative energy and welcome in fresh, prosperous energy, then join Dr. Ritamarie when she interviews law of attraction coach Joanne Newell, of Rich Radiant Real coaching.

Joanne will reveal the link between clutter and prosperity (health, wealth, and happiness), and gift you with two valuable tips for starting a highly effective yet ‘low-overwhelm' declutter of your environment.
Your Muscles May be Making You Fat

If you want a smaller waistline you need a bigger understanding of insulin. When you eat high carbohydrate comfort foods regularly, your insulin levels become dangerously high and your cells become resistant to insulin. This means you can't get enough sugar into your cells and you feel tired, unfocused, and hungry after meals.

To get control of your belly fat, you need to break the viscous cycle.

On top of the difficulty and stress people experience due to insulin resistance, worry and fear trigger increased cortisol, an adrenal hormone. Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn the kicker that keeps the belly fat from burning…and how your muscles could be contributing to your belly fat.
About Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, has been an integrative health care practitioner for over two decades, empowering her patients and students to overcome health challenges and lead a joyful and healthy life.

She's a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, HeartMath® and Herbal Medicine as well as a certified raw and living foods instructor, chef and coach. She's the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books including: Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven.

She's also the creator of many successful online courses designed to restore people to the health, energy, and vitality they need to live full and vibrant lives.
Energy Enhancing Resources
Eat Your Way Out of PainIncludes a downloaded recording of a 2 hour teleclass, anti- inflammatory recipe guide, shopping list and checklists, flowcharts of your body's inflammatory pathways and bonus resources, including Lunch and Dinner and Breakfast e-books and Transforming Stress Kit. Read more here…
Makin it RichDesserts make your tongue feel gleeful and your heart sing. But have you ever thought about how your favorite desserts ultimately affect your body? With their gluten, dairy, unhealthy trans fats and refined sugar, these desserts are likely to contribute to premature aging, inflammation, irritable bowel, mucous buildup and problems with focusing. Read more here…
DRIED and Gone to HeavenThey're all comfort foods that we turn to in times of emotional upheaval, boredom or loneliness. When you eat your favorite comfort foods, you feel great…for a little while. Until the discomfort sets in. Read more here…
Kids in the KitchenYour children are your most precious gift. You teach them by example and your every thought, word and action. What you feed your children, especially during the early years, will shape their health and vitality throughout their lives. Starting with the freshest, most vibrant and clean sources of nutrients to feed their growing bodies is vital to their health and development. Read more here…
Power Breakfast IdeasYou might have heard many health experts say that it's crucial to begin your day with a meal. What they might have failed to say, though, is how to make your first fuel of the day powerful enough to propel you forward with energy and gusto! Read more here…

Recipes that Recharge
Batter Up!

If you're working to get more greens into your diet, this recipe for battered kale chips is sure to convince any green skeptics! You'll score a homerun with this recipe from my book, Dried and Gone to Heaven! Click here for more mouth-watering dried food delights!

Battered Kale Chipskale chips


  • 4 bunches kale
  • 2 cup pine nuts
  • 2 Tablespoons miso, chickpea miso, or 1 teaspoon whole, unrefined sea salt
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup water
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Cayenne to taste
  • Desired herbs pulsed in processor


  1. Rinse kale, remove thick center stem and place leaves in a bowl.
  2. Place all ingredients except kale in blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Pulse in desired herbs.
  4. Massage batter into kale.
  5. Place kale leaves on mesh dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 110° F until crispy, usually 8 – 12 hours.

Dried and Gone to HeavenThere are comfort foods that we turn to in times of emotional upheaval, boredom or loneliness – breads, chips, pizzas, etc. When you eat your favorite comfort foods, you feel great… for a little while.

You can learn to make healthy versions of all your favorite comfort foods that will actually nourish your body thanks to the Dried and Gone to Heaven Home Study System!

Find out more HERE!

Do you have a great raw food recipe you'd like to share? Submit your recipe at:
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You're welcome to share any of the articles in this newsletter. When you do, please use the article in its entirety and include this complete blurb with it:

“Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site,, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report 7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life… in as little as 30 Days.

Internationally recognized speaker, author and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Woman's Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor.”


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Recharge with Dr. Ritamarie is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit:
© 2007 – 2011 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.

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