Healing Adrenal Fatigue, Making Healthy Choices and Keeping Commitments

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I used to be limited in my activities by adrenal fatigue, allergies and digestive discomfort. My time was not my own. I learned how to overcome that, and now I love how I feel.

My goals in life are to be as healthy and vibrant as I can be so that I may experience the freedom to choose what I do and when I do it without limitations imposed by my body. Having the strength and stamina I do allows me to be of service to so many people, and that brings me great joy and satisfaction.

What do you do when you have made 2 commitments and when push comes to shove, you have to make a choice because you can't do both? Wednesday I committed to bedtime at midnight. I also committed to write a chapter of my book to discuss at a meeting Thursday morning at 9AM.

My day was fraught with delays, the unfulfilled commitments of others that created extra work for me, and the needs of my family. By the time I could sit down to write my chapter, it was already midnight. I had to choose between 2 commitments. One commitment was to myself and this community; the other to my “Book Doula”,  Liz. I chose to write the chapter. After all, she was expecting to review it and help me with moving the book forward. I paid her to keep me on track. So I stayed up late and wrote the chapter.

You'll find yourself in these situations. Of course if you set it up right, you may be able to avoid it. Had I written a half hour every day rather than waited until the last minute, perhaps I would not have been in that situation.

Your life is governed by choices. In each moment, if you choose based on what is in your highest and best good, you will move forward. Notice I didn't choose between bed and staying up to watch a movie. That would have been an easy choice. Bed moves me closer to my ultimate goal of being the healthiest and most vibrant I can, the movie does not. In this decision making process, both had the potential of moving me towards an important goal. Such is life. I made my choice and I am happy that I did. Had I been ill, or very tired, I may have chose differently.

In my course Creating the Vibrant Health Mindset, there are several exercises and activities that help in this decision making process.

So for my report card for Wednesday:

1- Bed – you already know that

2- Exercise: I only did it for 5 minutes due to the aforementioned backlog

3- time with family: short and sweet

4– Green smoothies : a winner

And for Thursday:

1- Fun: spent a lovely hour and a half with my wonderful son Kevin. Playing cards. I need to finish this post and go cuddle with him. That's the joy of my day.

2- Exercise: A lovely run in the sun: 4.5 miles!

3- Smoothies: 1 quart of dark green smoothie

4- Bed: a little late,12:30 –  off to lay down with my kiddo right after writing this.

Have a wonderful day.

Keep up the 3 day mini green cleanse.  If you haven't started, check out my post on March 16 for details,   download yourcopy of  “Blended Greens for Health and Longevity” and, if you're new to green smoothies,  join in on the  FREE Raw Divas 3 day green smoothie mini course for 3 days of lessons.

The essence of the program is to do the following for 3 days

  • Drink Green smoothies and green soup throughout the day, as much as you’d like and as much as you need to keep you satisfied.
  • In addition to the green smoothies, eat one or two large salads, loaded with greens and rainbow vegetables and fresh whole fruit.
  • For Dressing, you can keep it simple by blending cucumber, apple and fresh herbs, or blend tomato,celery and lemon juice, or tomato, mango and lime juice, or red bell pepper, tomato, lemon or lime and herbs.  Or, make up your own simple blend – it’s easy.  You can also get the e-book  70 Healthy Salad Dressings Recipe Book, a collection of  easy, low fat  and tasty salad dressings you can make in less than 2 minutes.  For the 3 day cleanse, choose dressings that contain little or no added fat to give your liver a well earned rest.

I'll check in with you later.

(and announce the winner of the contest. You've been writing almost daily…you know who you are! Congratulations – I will be in touch personally later, so be sure your email address is in your comment)

Love, Health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie

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1 Comment

  1. mary

    I think I meant to post this here rather than on the other post since it is for Saturday

    For tomorrow I commit to
    1- eating no nuts
    2- eating one concious meal


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