Christmas is just 2 days away and that's the day I'm drawing the winners names for my big raffle. Will your name be amongst the winners?
Here's the scoop. I'll be giving away the following prizes:
1- An e-book of your choice (value up to $29.95)
2- Eat Your Way Out of Pain Home Study Course (Value $67)
3- Lifetime Membership in Dr. Ritamarie's Green Cleanse Program (Value $97)
4- A 20 minute private consultation (Value $150)
5- A complimentary membership in my new “Balancing Nutrition Self Assessment Program” (Value $397)
As you can see, these are valuable prizes! And I'll post the winners names(and website if you'd like) on the Monday after Christmas.
SO how do you enter the raffle?
There are 2 ways
1- Make any purchase between now and December 24th at midnight and you'll be automatically entered into the raffle. Each separate purchase counts as a separate entry.
Use Coupon Code 15ebook and receive 15% off any item on this page:
2- Purchase a raffle ticket for only $7.
***I'll donate 25% of all raffle ticket purchases to Safe Space, a local charity that protects battered women and children.
I wish you a peaceful, joyful and very healthy Holiday Season.
If you're ready to create the best possible health in 2010, check this out
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah,Kwanzaa, Solstice, Yule or whatever you celebrate this time of year!
Love, Health and Gratitude,
Dr. Ritamarie