Holiday Recipe and Health Resources: Give Yourself the Gift of Health for the Holidays

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I'm super excited.  The holiday DVD we've been working on for the past month is just about ready to ship.  The other half of the we I am referring to is my good friend Cheryl Hill of Vegan Wellness and the Cheryl Hill Band.  Cheryl likes to be called a “rawk ‘n roll” star.  She is a talented musician, a certified natural Health counselor through the Institute of Integrative Wellness in NY, and a dedicated raw food enthusiast.  She had this idea for a DVD, and we worked together to make it happen.

Actually, she's done more work than I.  She's done all the filming and editing.  All I had to do is what comes naturally to me…talk to you about health and make deliciously decadent healthy foods.   Oh yeah, and I get the job of sharing about it to the world. Some people might call it marketing.  I think of it as sharing an abundance of knowledge and experience that I've accumulated over the past 23 years and making sure that I get the message out to the world.  My vision is for a healthy, happy and peaceful world.  It starts with you and me.  The healthier we are, the happier we are and the more peaceful are our interactions with the rest of the world.

It's hard to be happy when you're overindulging.  In fact, usually the over-indulging comes from a desire for happiness that seems to be satiable only by the pleasure of food.  Unfortunately, if you're anything like me, the pleasure of over-indulgence is only temporary.  It's soon replaced by the same emptiness, sadness or dissatisfaction that triggered it in the first place.  And the original negative emotions are joined by new feelings, triggered by the over-indulgence.  These may be shame, guilt, physical discomfort, mental fogginess, fatigue and even more depression.

I am happy to share that it doesn't have to be that way.  I want this message to reach far and wide.  It DOESN'T Have To BE That Way! Take a sneak preview of Indulge Without the Bulge

The strategies we share in the DVD Indulge Without the Bulge are timeless.  Even thought they are especially applicable during the holiday season, because of the increased emphasis on food as a social and emotional event, the strategies can be used throughout the year to help you stay committed to your deepest desires for yourself.  They can be used to help you stay committed to self nurturing throughout the seasons.

I'll be talking about the strategies this week, as a guest on Mike Snyder's teleseminar.  Find out more at

This DVD Indulge Without the Bulge would make a great gift for friends and family.  The ingredients used in the recipes are all fresh, living foods.  The great news is that you don't need to be a raw foodist or vegan to appreciate these dishes.  They are delicious and will “fool” most people.  My son's 14 year old friend — typical American teenager — thought the pumpkin pie was the best he'd ever tried.

Learn more about the DVD at

Learn more about the Thanksgiving Feast e-book at

The DVD comes with a mini recipe book, including all the recipes we share and the details of the 7 strategies.  The DVD and Thanksgiving Book are available as a package, too.

Sign up for the teleseminar later this week at:

I wish you happiness, health, and deep connection with loved ones this holiday season.

Love and Health,

Dr. Ritamarie

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