How Would You Like to Use Your Passion For Healthy Living to Empower Others to Overcome Their Health Challenges?

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It's happened to me, and many of my friends and colleagues as well. I hear stories all the time. It may even be happening to you. You or someone you love has had an amazing turn around in health as a result of applying healthy living principles…diet, exercise, herbs or a particular healing modality. You're so excited by it, that you're ready to share it with the world. You'd like nothing better than to be able to positively impact the lives of others, the way yours has been changed.

So how do you get started?

You could decide on a career path and go to a university based program.  A degree in Nutrition, along with certification by a national or international organization like the IAACN is one avenue.  A medical, naturopathic, osteopathic or chiropractic degree is another avenue.    Perhaps you're more interested in boy work or energy healing.  There are a variety of classes to choose from.

If you'd like to get started sooner, there are a number of  courses that can get you started.  Here are just a few resources that I recommend:

Association of Online Nutrition Practitioners (AOLNP)

How to get started in the Natural Health Movement

Holistic Health Counselor Program with Dr. Tel Oren

Karen Knowler's Raw Foods  Professionals Online Group Coaching Program


Karen Knowler's Raw Food Classes – To Go! Home Study Program


Living Light Culinary Institute


Alissa Cohen's Living on Live Food Certification

Join the Association of Online Nutrition Practitioners to keep up to date on resources and tools for creating multiple streams of income  teaching healthy eating principles.


Love, health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie



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