I did something I haven’t done in over 30 years…

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In This Issue
  • Personal Note: 
    Successful Surgery and Update
  • Featured Article:
    Green Smoothies vs. Green Juice – The Great Debate
  • Practitioner Corner:
    Stress and Blood Sugar Level
  • Recipe Corner: Katherine's Wednesday Smoothie
Featured Video
Healthy Fast Food – Greens on the Run
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Vibrant Health Radio
Upcoming Show
Dr. Ritamarie will interview Dr. Phyllis Books. Please, check back next week for exact details of this radio show HERE.
Archived Shows
Cleansing and Detoxification Strategies (Encore Presentation), where Dr. Ritamarie covered the difference between cleansing and just eating a simple, whole, predominantly green diet for several days and how to know when your system is cleansed or when you’ve gone too far.
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Archived Shows

Live Blood Cell Analysis – Providing Startling Insights into Health, where Dr. Ritamarie interviewed Cody Dahl and explored this fascinating world of learning about what your own blood can tell you.
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P.S. Afraid you might miss a show? No worries, just “friend me on Blogtalk Radio”, and you will always be notified of upcoming shows!

Upcoming Events with
Dr. Ritamarie


VITAL: Healing Kitchen: Mmmm is for Magnesium: Meals Loaded With This Miracle Mineral!
Saturday, September 21, 2013 3:00 p.m. CDT
PUBLIC when LIVE, Private for VITAL members only after:


Register HERE
IRSPT:  Rounds with Dr. Ritamarie Call #3

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:00 p.m. CDT

Members only. 
Register HERE
CAFE – Bonus Interview: Adaptogenic Herbs for Adrenal Support with Laura Franklin
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 5:00 p.m. CDT
Members only.  Register HERE:
Dr. Ritamarie Recommends
Are you concerned that a child or teen in your life may be struggling with dyslexia? Then you will definitely want to check out Dr. Phyllis Books‘ free webinar for the Dyslexia Detective on Wednesday, October 23rd.
You will learn proven strategies to determine if your child struggles with dyslexia (and it isn't what you might think). Dyslexia and other neurological issues are reversible! Let Dr. Books show you how.
Register for the free webinar here

Learn Raw Fusion: same food-different treatments – from a pro, internationally famous author and teacher Nomi Shannon. She’ll practically be looking over your shoulder!

Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup

Once a month, you can join us LIVE in Austin, Texas for a local raw food potluck where you can:

  • Meet like-minded people and make new friends.
  • Learn new and exciting recipes.
  • Gather valuable health and nutrition information.
  • Feel supported on your health quest.

Upcoming Dates 2013
(the last Saturday of every month unless noted otherwise):

September 28th, 6:30 p.m. CDT

October 26th, 6:30 p.m. CDT

November 30th, 6:30 p.m. CDT


Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup!

Find out all the details on what to bring and what to expect.

Tip of the Week:
Blend a juice in a flash!
Don't have a powerful juicer to make yourself a green juice?
Blend up your juice ingredients in your blender (Vitamix or any regular blender will do) without any water, and pass it through a nut milk bag to remove the fiber.

Voila! You just made a delicious, fast green juice. Enjoy!
For additional tips and tricks for living a vibrant life, Join the VITAL Community HERE
September 18, 2013
Successful Surgery and Update
Hi Health-Seeker,

It's been an unusual week for me! I thought I give you a little update.

I had to have surgery on my arm on Monday for a trauma that happened in August on a ski boat during my vacation with family.  The result was a bad fracture with a dislocated bone. Part of the humerus broke off and got reattached in the wrong place.  

Good news is, everything seemed to go well. I surprised the doctors and made it through the surgery with no anesthesia and refused their antibiotics. I was awake the whole time, chatting away with the anesthesiologist who had nothing to do, since I didn't have anesthesia. All in all, it went well.
I tried really hard to forgo all pain medication and did lots and lots of herbs and vitamin C, but finally at about 1:30 am on Tuesday I broke down and took an Ibuprofen.
As I mentioned to my GREEN Cleanse members, I haven't taken so much as an Aspirin in over 30 years.
Ibuprofen was still a better choice than the narcotics that they wanted me to take (which they specifically said would give me nausea and constipation and which would have made me spaced out, loopy, and unable to focus). So the choice between narcotics and excruciating pain was not a good one.
I opted for Ibuprofen and it took the edge off enough for me to be able to sleep (an essential part of natural recovery). I didn't sleep at all Monday night after my surgery, so I was tired.
I'm feeling much better now that there's just a low level of pain. I'm going to see the doctor on Friday.
On Wednesday, I did two teleseminars. I do apologize to those of you who were part of the Tuesday call that we had to cancel, but there was no way I could make it in the state I was in.
We had a wonderful G.R.E.E.N. Cleanse call Wednesday night with over 700 people who signed up to come. If you missed it, we made an incredible offer of 50% off the price for the next three days! There are an amazing number of bonuses, so I highly suggest you check out
The cleanse is starting next week, September 16th, and I am so looking forward to it so I can cleanse myself from the trauma and all the other things that have happened to my body through this whole ordeal.
It's going to be an awesome cleanse! There are some really wonderful people who have already joined it, and we are going to have a great time.
I hope you can join us!
Please, continue sending me healing energy! I really appreciate all the messages I've gotten so far. I'm reading them all and it's really helping me to get through this challenging time, so thank you!
Many blessings and much love


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


Green Smoothies vs. Green Juice 

The Great Debate

Green Smoothies have been my friend for close to 25 years now.  My daily smoothie habit is a part of my life, just like brushing my teeth.

When Dr. Brian Clement spoke here in Austin a while back, he brought up a very controversial issue…Green Smoothies vs Green Juices.  That talk was in 2010, and yet the debate and confusion still rages on.

He flat out said that green smoothies were “a step above soft drinks” because 90% or nutrients are lost through oxidation  when the fruits and vegetables are blended.

I personally have a hard time with this. Nutrient destruction can occur as a result of damage by heat, light and air. The amount of damage is a function of severity and  It is generally accepted that nutrients begin to be damages when heated above 118 degrees F. I have not found any studies that confirm this.  In fact there is quite a bit of evidence that refutes this.

Continue Reading..


 Stress and Blood Sugar Level

I will keep our Practitioners' Corner short and sweet this week with just a few things to share, and I'll be back in full swing next week.
I'm so enjoying the Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner Program and all the wonderful practitioners who joined. So many great questions are coming up and people are getting great insights.
So far we've gone through and explained how to do glucose tests, what foods and nutrients to recommend for your clients, and how to identify if they have insulin resistance.
One of our practitioners on our recent call said that she had been using the test that I gave with her clients and all of them (14 so far) have shown up with very high scores. What we are seeing is that insulin resistance is really an epidemic and that you can see magical things happen when you know how to take care of it!

One last thing about insulin resistance and cortisol. When I had the surgery done on my elbow this past Monday, they gave me a nerve block instead of anesthesia. I found out at the end that they put a steroid in with it to make the block last longer. When I got home, I tested my blood sugar and it was really high: it ranged between 147 and 171, and all I ate was some avocado and green juice. That never puts my blood sugar up!
My guess is that the trauma of the surgery raised my cortisol levels really high, and high levels of cortisol raise your blood sugar. My body was under an extreme stress. It was as if a tiger was biting my elbow rather than the tiger was just chasing me. My body was invaded (I had an elbow surgery) and the stress caused my cortisol to go up and the blood sugar to go up.  

The next morning it was down to 115 and then by the second morning it was down to its normal range of 79. So, I would like to reinforce how important stress management is on keeping blood sugars normalized.
If you haven't already joined IRSPT, it's not too late!



Katherine's Wednesday Smoothie

This simple, delicious and detox friendly smoothie is bursting with flavor and takes only minutes to prepare!


  • 1 mango
  • 1 orange
  • 1 inch slice of pineapple
  • 1 bunch kale
  • kelp, to taste
  • lemon juice, to taste
  • 1/2 pear


  1. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Add water or juice to desired consistency

This recipe was submitted by a past participant of Dr. Ritamarie's program, G.R.E.E.N. Cleanse, for which the bonus preparation week has just started. We would love to read and taste your green smoothie or detox friendly recipes. Submit your recipes on the blog here, and we might feature your delictable creations on our blog or in our future recipe books!


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, has been an integrative health care practitioner for over two decades, empowering her patients and students to overcome health challenges and lead a joyful and healthy life.

She's a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, HeartMath® and Herbal Medicine as well as a certified raw and living foods instructor, chef, and coach.

She's the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books including: Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven. She's also the creator of many successful online courses designed to restore people to the health, energy, and vitality they need to live full and vibrant lives.

Dr. Ritamarie resides in Austin, Texas with her husband and sons. She can be reached at https://drritamarie.com.

You're welcome to share any of the articles in this newsletter. When you do, please use the article in its entirety and include this complete blurb with it:

“Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site, www.DrRitamarie.com, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report 7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life… in as little as 30 Days.

Internationally recognized speaker, author, and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Energy Recharge Nutrition Specialist and Vibrant Health Mentor.”
Dr. Ritamarie's Energy Recharge Newsletter is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: https://drritamarie.com/helpdesk or call: 1 (877) 727-5992

© 2013 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.
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Dr Ritamarie, LLC 9508 Bell Mountain Drive Austin, Texas 78730 United States (877) 727-5992

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