Kevin Gianni on the Raw Food Diet for Vibrant Health

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We had an amazing display of what delicious and beautiful foods you can eat on a raw foods diet.  Tables were lined with foods of all sorts – salads, wraps, pie, marzapan, fruits, guacamole, dips and chips…the list goes on.  Most people expect  a raw foods diet to be boring, but tonight's amazing display proves otherwise.

Kevin Gianni an his wife Annmarie were our special guests tonight.  They've been traveling across the nation in their vegetable oil powered RV, the Kale Whale, spreading the word of health.  Kevin did an inspiring talk and presented his model of health:  raw foods as the primary nutrition, know yourself, take action  …the other 2 are escaping my brain right now.  He was entertaining, empowering and right on.  Annmarie demonstrated making a delicious chia porridge and a strawberry parfait.  Quick and easy raw foods recipes.

I took some video footage and I'll post some of it tomorrow.

What's your view on the raw food diet?  Comment below!

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