Kick Fatigue to the Curb and Cleanse Your Liver!

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Liver function diagram depicts the various functions of the liver, including its role in detoxification and metabolism. This diagram can be helpful in understanding how to cleanse the liver and manage symptoms of fatigue.

Due to unforseen circumstances today's show is being postponed. We will be airing a replay of Dr. Ritamarie's interview with Julia Schopick – 4 Treatments Your Doctors May Not Know About

Your liver is primarily responsible for removing toxins from the body. Exposure to toxins such as alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and even household cleansers can eventually cause the liver to become sluggish and congested.

Periodic liver cleansing is needed to this hard working organ to function more effectively, resulting in improved health for the entire body.

In this show learn:

• Why cleansing the liver is so important.
• Various ways to cleanse your liver
• Dr. Ritamarie’s top three foods for liver improvement

Show Instructions:

To listen to this show by phone: (424) 243-9555
Press 1 to get in the host queue if you have a question

To listen from the webpage:
At the top of the hour refresh your page to start the radio player. Please note: There is about a 15 second delay between the live show and the radio player. You may need to refresh your page again.

Additional Resources:

You still have time to jump in on the next Green Smoothie Cleanse starting Nov 5! Click here for all the details

Bonus Recipe! Check out Dr. Ritamarie’s recent blog post: A Tasty Way to Support and Cleanse Your Liver: Liver Lover’s Gomashio
Click Here

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  1. Starlin

    Why is there no mp3 download for this talk on the liver and some other radio shows also?


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