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Featured Video
How to Eliminate Food Cravings by Understanding What Causes Them
June Monthly Special:
Raw Food University:
Picnic & BBQ Class
This month only $19.97 (normally $27)
And… get the Kids in the Kitchen class for $15 (normally $27) Click on Cart button to see discount: Vibrant Health Solutions Radio
Upcoming Radio Shows:
Carol Tuttle #3: Energy Profiling – The Child Whisperer This week's show (Part 3) is about improving parenting/relationship skills by understanding Energy Profiling.
Recent Radio Show Replays:
Carol Tuttle #2: Dressing Your Truth This week's show (Part 2) covers Dressing Your Truth – Look pounds thinner and years younger by dressing true to your Energy Profile Type. Don't miss it!
Carol Tuttle #1: Energy Profiling Discover your unique Energy Profile Type, and how it affects your life and your relationships with others.
Click HERE to follow Dr Ritamarie on Blog Talk Radio and never miss a show! Upcoming Events with
Dr. Ritamarie VITAL Healing Kitchen Call:: Saturday, June 29, 3:00 PM CDT. Public, Watch HERE Dr. Ritamarie Recommends
Raw Food: The Answers – How to Survive Long-Term by Nomi Shannon & Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Formulated with love by Anne Marie Gianni, these natural products are made with essential oils and herbs. . VITAL Healing Kitchen
Cancer Fighting Recipes:
How to Nourish Your Body and Starve Cancer
Sat, June 29, 3:00 PM CDT
FREE Live streamed video food prep class.
Exciting news!! This month’s Vital Healing Kitchen show will be presented as a LIVE Google “Hangout on Air” and anyone can watch it while it's live.
If you can’t make it live, you can watch the recording and get a copy of the recipe guide by joining our VITAL community
Feel free to invite anyone and everyone via the link below
Latest on the Blog
By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup
Once a month, you can join us LIVE in Austin, Texas for a local raw food potluck where you can:
Upcoming Dates 2013 • June 29th, 6:30 p.m. CDT • July 27th, 6:30 p.m. CDT • August 31st, 6:30 p.m. CDT
Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup!
Find out all the details on what to bring and what to expect. Tip of the Week: Using Compassion & Kindness with Ourselves instead of Shaming
Energy Recharge Coaching program Accountability Team Leader, Jan, shares this tip for using compassion and kindness with ourselves instead of shaming when we fall short of a goal, or make a mistake.
These affirmations are by Carol Tuttle, Dr. Ritamarie's guest on tomorrow's Radio Show.
Repeat these statements aloud several times a day – it is helpful to accompany the statements with “Tapping” to further increase their effectiveness.
More great affirmations can be found in Dr. Ritamarie's Vibrant Living Mindset (hyperlink) program, which is also included in the Energy Recharge Coaching Program.
More details about this is included in the Energy Recharge Coaching program:
Listen to Your Body's Powerful Healing Messages June 26, 2013
Hi Health-Seeker,
As I write this I am dreaming about sleep. That might sound odd – dreaming ABOUT sleep? When I am awake? Usually I dream about things I desire and right now my body says sleep.
Due to 2 days of website outage followed by another 2 days of researching and testing new locations to move the website to and 2 days of getting ready to move the website, coaching people and conducting calls, as well as writing emails and articles, I am ready for the one thing that usually gives when I jam pack too much into my days – sleep.
You know you’re sleep deprived when you finally crawl under the covers at 3 am and congratulate yourself for going to bed early.
The cycle is addicting, just like carbs, alcohol and sugar.
I love how it feels to be up late cranking things out when its quiet and peaceful in the house.
However my body usually tells me when enough is enough and today it did.
I have learned to heed the early warning signs these days, after incidents of crash and burn in days gone by when getting a fever was the only thing that would stop me.
I congratulate myself for taking 30 minutes off this afternoon to lay in the sun and then swim for a little bit. Rest, vitamin C and exercise. Sounds like a prescription of sorts.
My feature article is all about sleep, and how vital it is for hormone balance and energy metabolism. Enjoy it.
Recipe of the week is one of my favourites: Carob Brownies – a quick-to-make Low-Glycemic recipe. Yummy
I just finished a G.R.E.E.N. Cleanse – we had over 200 people join me this time. Simple foods never taste so good as after a cleanse.
Finally, we have great news. We decided to open up the live stream of Saturdays Vital Healing Kitchen show to the public . You can watch it live – it’s called Cancer Fighting Recipes: How to Nourish Your Body and Starve Cancer.
Of course if you want the recording and the recipe guide, you can join our VITAL Community for a special 2 month full membership for less than $20! I have a special guest chef/author – who’s going to share some of the secret recipes she used as part of her healing program that got rid of a 9 cm tumour in her breast, leaving her free of cancer!
Have an awesome week, Health-Seeker.
See you Saturday. Details below.
VITAL Healing Kitchen Call:
Saturday, June 29, 3:00 PM CDT Love, health, and joy,
Sleep: Nature’s Powerful Inner Healer
by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo I truly believe that your body can overcome almost any health challenge when you remove the obstacles from its path and provide the things it’s missing.
And I don’t mean symptom removal. Every symptom is a message from your body saying “something is out of balance.” Yet, we so want to turn off the symptoms and return to comfort that we sometimes forget to ask what the message is.
Sometimes the thing that’s out of balance is not tangible. You don’t need to remove a toxin, or take an herb or homeopathic remedy, or try a new therapy when what your body is asking for is a shift in an attitude or a belief.
No matter how good your diet is or how impeccable your exercise program is, if you’re angry, judgemental, or fearful; not taking periodic de-stress breaks; and not sleeping enough; your body’s innate healing capabilities cannot perform at peak potential.
And guess what?
You’ll experience uncomfortable or downright painful symptoms, your excess weight will stay locked in place, your brain will operate at less than par, and you, my friend, will find yourself living a life devoid of passion, purpose, and prosperity.
3 Most Commonly Overlooked Strategies
Have you ever dealt with a client that appears to do everything right – but is just not getting the results you expect?
I get these all the time.
Sound familiar?
There are 3 things most practitioners overlook when attempting to solve the most difficult cases. I’ll explore one today and continue with more next week.
Impaired detoxification pathways: When liver detoxification is sluggish, the liver stores toxins it can't properly metabolize into fat. Your client may be doing the calories in /calories out equation correctly and still be hanging on to weight because of sluggish phase 2 liver detoxification. There are genetic abnormalities that cause decreased phase 2 liver detoxification impairment, in methylation, acetylation, cytochrome function and glutathione metabolism.
About 40 % of the population is found to have a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) in one of the MTHFR genes This creates havoc. Practitioners in my ERSPC certification program are learning all about this via case studies I’m presenting. A site called is a wealth of information about this particular set of SNPS . And a great resource I’ve been using to assess my clients genetic pathways and have amazing break throughs is at
There are all sorts of great resources for analysis, and I explore many of these in my course Client Assessment Tools for Holistic Practitioners. We just graduated our first class and materials are available for self study until the next live run.
Details are here:
Stay tuned for part 2 next week.
Carob Brownies: Low-Glycemic
2 cups almonds, ground to a powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup chia seeds, ground
1/4 cup raw carob powder
2 tablespoons ground butternut squash
20 – 22 drops Sweet Leaf Whole Leaf Stevia Concentrate
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Process almonds, salt, chia seeds and carob powder in a food processor until thoroughly combined.
2. Add the squash, stevia, and vanilla extract.
3. Pulse a few times, and then process the mixture until it begins to stick together like a dough.
4. Press the mixture into a parchment paper lined 6-inch square pan and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
5. Remove from pan by pulling the parchment paper up.
6. Slice and enjoy.
TIP: When adding the stevia drops, start with the smaller amount, mix and taste. Add more, one drop at a time, if more sweetness is desired.
This recipe is from our B4 Be Gone program which is included as a BONUS with our Energy Recharge Coaching program. For further info click here: n.b. Registration for ERC closes midnight June 26:
“Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site,, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report 7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life… in as little as 30 Days. Internationally recognized speaker, author, and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Energy Recharge Nutrition Specialist and Vibrant Health Mentor.” Dr. Ritamarie's Energy Recharge Newsletter is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: or call: 1 (877) 727-5992
© 2013 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved. Due to the large volume of e-mail replies we receive to this address, it could take several days before we see your reply. To help us get back to you more quickly, please address all comments and support questions to
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WARNING: If you unsubscribe to any of my e-mails, ALL e-mails will cease — including messages related to any upcoming, current, or previously purchased programs or products. Dr Ritamarie, LLC 9508 Bell Mountain Drive Austin, Texas 78730 United States (877) 727-5992
Kick-Start Your Libido: A Hormone-Balancing Elixir
A few years ago, a client sat across from me, frustration written all over her face. “Dr. Ritamarie,” she said, “I...