The perpetual quest for the fountain of youth is as old as time.
While we realize today that there is no fountain, still we seek the special potions, powders and creams that promise getting rid of wrinkles, reversing age spots and firming our sagging rear ends.
Most of these potions and pills end up draining our bank account, and leaving us feeling duped and doomed to move through aging kicking and screaming. The original “snake oil” salesman was probably promising the fountain of youth in a bottle.
SO what’s fact and what’s fiction in the world of longevity research?
I recently attended a longevity conference and met with some amazing anti-aging and longevity specialists.
Join me for another cutting edge blog talk radio show and learn the latest and greatest research, and most of all…realistic longevity solutions that actually WORK.
Show Day:
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Time: 8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET
Length: 30 Minutes
The show call in number is: (424) 243-9555
At show time, refresh this page and click on the blog talk radio player to the right or go to Blog Talk Radio to listen in:
The episode link is: Vibrant Health Solutions Radio
Be sure to friend me on Blog talk Radio!
In This Show Learn:
- What telomeres are and how they can be manipulated to slow down aging
- The role of mercury and other dental mishaps in aging and what can be done instead
- Hormone balancing tips for longer and more pleasurable life
- The role of orgasm in keeping you young
Additional Resources:
Listen to or download the replay below.
Click here to download…
Part of looking young and enjoying youthful longevity comes from having lots of energy, and nothing can quick start your energy quite like a proper system cleanse. Join my famous G.R.E.E.N. Cleanse Program…the next one is coming up fast!
Join here: GREEN Cleanse Program
For access to even more information about invigorating nutrition and avoiding deficiencies, detoxification, and balancing hormones, and stepping up your longevity, as well as your youthful zest for life…sign up for my FREE webinar series called SHINE: The Secrets to Happy Hormones, Invigorating Nutrition and Energy!
Did I mention? It's FREE:
SHINE: The Secrets to Happy Hormones, Invigorating Nutrition, and Energy!
- Part 1: Tues, April 30th, 2013, 7:30 pm CT
- Part 2: Tues, May 7th, 2013, 7:30 pm CT
- Part 3: Thurs, May 16th, 2013, 7:30 pm CT
Register Here: