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Foods that Reduce Belly Fat and Balance Blood Sugar February Monthly Special
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Vibrant Health Radio
Upcoming Show
Laugh your Way to Better Health and Productivity, where Dr. Ritamarie will interview Alicia Dattner. Show details will be posted soon at . Archived Show
How to Overcome MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Using Diet and Functional Medicine, where Dr. Ritamarie is joined by Dr. Terry Wahls, who has become a pioneer doctor in changing how people live with MS through overcoming the disease herself.
Archived Show
Eat Your Way to A Happy Heart and Healthy Life!, where Dr. Ritamarie interviewed Steven Masley, an MD, a cardiologist, who uses food and lifestyle as medicine rather than drugs and surgery.
P.S. To make sure you don't miss any shows, “friend me on Blogtalk Radio”, and you will always be notified of upcoming shows! Dr. Ritamarie Recommends
The Tapping World Summit 2014 starts on February 24. Are you registered yet? Tapping is a profound technique that changes lives – fast. Register for the Tapping World Summit now.
Enlighten Up – The 5 Secrets to Finding your Funny, Happy and Radiant Self . Laughter opens up healing. Learn to laugh your way to health with Alicia Dattner Register for free webinar
Check out JJ Virgin's new Webinar on 7 Foods You MUST Stop Eating Now (only if you love health and a lean body, though!) If you have been following me for a while the 7 foods will come as no surprise.
Nomi Shannon created a free training for you if you've been thinking that you'd like to teach raw food classes but are not sure just where to start, or if you're ready to increase your income teaching fun and informative classes. Click HERE to listen to Nomi's class right now.
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Austin Texas Resources
Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup
Once a month, you can join us LIVE in Austin, Texas for a local potluck where you can:
Upcoming Dates February 22nd, 2014 March 29th, 2014 April 26th, 2014
Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup! Find out all the details on what to bring and what to expect. Raw Food Delivery Get a yummy weekly delivery made by the amazing Chef Karen Osborne. Your order needs to be received by Wednesday for pick-up on Sunday. Wait until you see her mouth-watering menu! Tip of the Week:
Show your love for Valentine's day!
What else can you do that shows you care? Give the gift of service. There will be enough food to go around. Give a back rub, an outing to a favorite place or a touching trinket. If you do decide to give your loved ones candy, be sure to make it yourself using this week's recipe. For tips like these and many more resources, check out our VITAL Community.
February 18, 2014
Love is….
Hi Health-Seeker, I'm in a perpetual state of love, so when Valentine's day rolls around, the celebration is natural. I am in love with my boys. All three of them! They say and do the sweetest things. Don't get me wrong —two of them are teenagers and also drive me crazy sometimes, but overall I adore them, and feel very blessed. The third “boy” has gray hair and a beard, and we've been together for over 30 year. My, time flies! My oldest one turns 20 this year. It is beyond belief. I'm too young to have a 20 year old. I don't feel much older than that myself, thanks to my self-care regime. That brings me to another thing I love—my diet. I adore the food I get to eat and the amazing effect it has on my body! Yummy. I love my work. I get to connect with people dedicated to taking care of themselves and I adore that. I also love creating recipes, videos and webinars to get my message across. I am so lucky. I also love my team! They are dedicated to supporting me in changing lives. I love getting on stage —something I will do again really soon. Our 2nd annual Spring Into Vitality event is coming up May 2-4. Tickets will be available soon, and it promises to sell out again. The focus is on cleansing and detoxification, and we have some amazing guests lined up to share strategies for identifying and cleaning up toxins in your environment, toxic emotions, and toxins in your food.
The videos from last year's event are on sale this month for 50% off. You can access them HERE – Spring into Vitality 2013 Video Series I love to travel and am fortunate to be able to fly away to workshops and seminars on a regular basis. My next one is on Methylation and Nutrigenomics, at Bastyr University in March. Finally, I love that I work at home, and can stay in my yoga or running clothes all day (or my swim suit in the summer), and get up and do short bursts of exercise whenever I choose.
Enjoy this week's newsletter, with a focus on love, sweetness (and the not so sweet problems of sugar ) and a quite amazing recipe! Next week's radio show is about laughter —and its effects on your health. I can't wait to share Alicia Dattner with you. You're gonna fall in love. Happy Valentine's day!
With love and appreciation, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
The Best and Worst Foods for 6 Pack Abs
Belly fat is not a laughing matter. Fat and jolly is a myth. Secretly, most people whose midlines are soft and puffy are not exactly happy about it and wish for abs of steel. The sad truth is, that no matter how many sit-ups, crunches, bicycles or leg lifts One of my relatives once told me she had six pack abs…except no one could see them because they were covered by fat! She’d been working out for months and her abs were indeed impressively strong. The only problem was, her dietary choices were hiding what could have been a prize winning midline. Does that mean that ab exercises are of no use? Absolutely not. Exercise is critical to reducing your girth. Unfortunately it’s not enough. What Do you Do When you Don't Know How to Help Complex Clients Get Results? Your new client comes in and lays her story on the line. She feels desperate, has “tried everything”, seen a bunch of practitioners, both conventional and holistic, yet still she suffers. You smile and warmly invite her to sit down. Meanwhile, you hope she doesn't notice that your hands are clammy and you're thinking, “Do I really have what it takes to help her?”. So you ask lots of questions. That's a great start. But do you know the right questions to ask? Are you prepared to dig deep? Do you understand enough about how things work on the inside to decipher the clues others might have missed? Download two of my favorite handouts, and tap into the power of being a super star health practitioner – a holistic health detective who solves the tough cases.
The first one is here: The second one is available on my new website, Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology. The full website will be launching soon. If you go there now, you can signup for a free 3 page handout summarizing how to do a comprehensive holistic health history, the first step in solving tough cases. When you register, you will also get access to my brand new recorded webinar, 3 videos and 2 more helpful handouts. “Nutritional Endocrinology: The Key to Unlocking those Tough Cases Other Practitioners Struggle to Solve” I've been in practice for 23 years now, and I have a waiting list practice. In fact, I am now hiring other nutritionists to consult with the people who find their way to my site everyday looking for help.These nutritionists have been personally trained by me to look for the clues, leave no stone unturned and get great results. If you'd like to be one of these nutritionists, click HERE to apply for a free Strategy Session and learn more about my Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.
Valentine's Candy Recipe Valentine's day is usually a great excuse for filing up on sweets, then regretting it when your waistline expands, your face breaks out and your energy tanks. Enjoy this recipe filled with amazing herbs that balance your hormones and nourish your body. They are yummy and contain no sweeteners, not even dates. Instead, they're sweetened with a hint of stevia and are perfect for diabetics (and for you if you have difficulty with candida overgrowth or other gut ailments, hypoglycemia, or insulin resistance). Ingredients:
Directions: 1. Whisk or stir all ingredients in a bowl. 2. Spoon into heart shaped candy molds. 3. Freeze for 30 minutes. 4. Pop them out of the molds and enjoy. Enjoy!
This recipe is courtesy of Chef Karen Osborne from B4 Be Gone Recipe collection.
“Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site,, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report 7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life… in as little as 30 Days. Internationally recognized speaker, author, and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Energy Recharge Nutrition Specialist and Vibrant Health Mentor.” Dr. Ritamarie's Energy Recharge Newsletter is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: or call: 1 (877) 727-5992
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