Over 40; Fit and Fabulous!

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If you’re like many of us, your 20’s were a blur. During your 30’s you raised a family and found yourself. Now you’re 40+ and in the prime of your life.

It’s been said that staying in shape after 40 is tough. Releasing weight is harder and as the body matures, weight gain is easier.

Well we’re here to tell you that life after 40 is amazing!

You can be over 40, fit and fabulous and in this show, we’ll tell you how!

Joining Dr. Ritamarie is rawkin’ natural health educator, Revvell Revati.

About Revvell:

Natural Health Educator, mentor and practitioner with over 30 years experience, host of (now) 4 internet radio shows; author of two books “Smoothies and Smoozies for Life ~ Based on the Living Foods Lifestyle” and “Revvellutionize Your Life in 30 Days ~ a Self-Empowering Playbook”; international speaker and way more!

Visit Revvell: http://bodaciousliving.rawkinradio.com/

Additional Resources:

Have you signed up for your trial in Dr. Ritamarie's new VITAL Health Community? Imagine a place where you are surrounded by other people like you, with the same goals and aspirations all pushing each other to reach them. It's VITAL to your success to have that kind of support!

Check it out today!

Click here to download…

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