Overcoming Chronic Exhaustion and Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

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Make a comitment this week to do one thing consistently everyday that you KNOW will result in more energy and improved health.  Your adrenal glands will love it, and it will go a long way towards helping you beat chronic exhaustion and the tired, mentally foggy feeling that keeps you from experiencing the level of joy and fulfillment you want and deserve.

Don't try to make too many changes…just pick one and do it consistently every day this week.

How about eating something green at every meal?  Or drinking 2-3 cups of pure water in the morning, before you eat anything?  Are you drinking at least one green smoothie every day?  Have you been wanting to try a gluten free diet?  How about one new gluten free or living foods recipe every day?

Make it simple and follow through.  Commit to it by leaving a comment on my blog.  Right below this message you'll see a comment box.  Let us know what you're planning by commenting below.

I'll send a prize to everyone who commits this week and comments again next week with a description of the process and the results.

Go ahead.  Don't be shy.  Comment below and commit to one health promoting action that you'll do every day this week .

Love, Health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie


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  1. helen

    no cooked food for a week, starting a hour ago.

  2. Ali

    I commit to eating more greens and no gluten for a week!!

    • admin

      great plan

  3. Kristen's Raw

    Cheers to Green Smoothies! Yum! So good for you 🙂

    Healthy regards,

  4. Kristen's Raw

    Cheers to Green Smoothies! Yum! So good for you 🙂

    Healthy regards,

  5. Jacqueline

    I made Oprah’s Green Drink this morning and can already feel the lift! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog –especially about AF. Do you ever recommend Standard Process supplements for adrenals? Also, I read this article about eating to support the adrenals and thought maybe you find it informative. Thanks!

  6. RaiulBaztepo

    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

  7. PiterKokoniz

    Hi !! 🙂
    I am Piter Kokoniz. Just want to tell, that I’v found your blog very interesting
    And want to ask you: will you continue to post in this blog in future?
    Sorry for my bad english:)
    Thank you!


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