Pioneers in Holistic Health, Low Glycemic Mint Carob Candy Recipe and Banishing Brain Fog

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Energy Recharge Newsletter with Dr. Ritamarie
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In This Issue
  • Personal Note: 
    Pioneers in Holistic Health and Nutrition
  • Featured Article:
    Tips for Lifting the Veil of Brain Fog
  • Practitioner Corner:
    Nutrients and
    Herbs to Fight Sugar Cravings
  • Recipe Corner:
    Carob Mint Candies
Featured Video
Reducing Belly Fat: Blood Sugar Level Balance and Insulin Resistance
watch video
August Monthly Special
This month only $10.00 (normally $17). Click HERE to access. 
Your price reduction will show when you click ‘Add to Cart'
Additional Savings for VITAL Community members!
Vibrant Health Radio
Upcoming Shows
New Neural Strategies to Reverse Dyslexia, ADHD, and more! where she will be interviewing Dr. Phyllis Books about her amazing system for reversing dyslexia, ADHD, ADD, and issues arising from head traumas.

Archived Shows

Shocking Truths: Insulin Resistance Demystified where Dr. Ritamarie shared with us her own dramatic story with insulin resistance.


P.S. Afraid you might miss a show? No worries, just “friend me on Blogtalk Radio, and you will always be notified of upcoming shows!

Upcoming Events with
Dr. Ritamarie


VITAL Healing Kitchen Webinar:
Chia Seed Dishes that Will Drop Your Blood Sugar and Raise your Energy
Sat., August 24, 3:00 PM CDT
PUBLIC when LIVE, Private for VITAL members only after: Register HERE




CAFE:  Correcting Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion – Call
Members only.  Register HERE:
Thursday August 15, 2013
Dr. Ritamarie Recommends


Learn Raw Fusion: same food-different treatments- from a pro, internationally famous author and teacher Nomi Shannon. She’ll practically be looking over your shoulder!

Open Your Mind To Positive Emotions Summit Listen to Dr. Ritamarie and 22 experts in the fields of natural therapy, energy healing  and healthy living to discover how they found the answers you are looking for.

Raw Food: The Answers – How to Survive Long-Term  by Nomi Shannon & Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup

Once a month, you can join us LIVE in Austin, Texas for a local raw food potluck where you can:

  • Meet like-minded people and make new friends.
  • Learn new and exciting recipes.
  • Gather valuable health and nutrition information.
  • Feel supported on your health quest.

Upcoming Dates 2013
(the last Saturday of every month unless noted otherwise):

August 24th, 6:30 p.m. CDT

September 21st, 6:30 p.m. CDT


Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Ritamarie's Living Foods Meetup!

Find out all the details on what to bring and what to expect.

Tip of the Week:
Chewing is Reducing!
Here is any easy tip on how you can further eliminate brain fog: take time to chew your food properly!
Chewing your food.enhances digestion so that toxins don't get into your blood stream as much.

Less toxins means a clear, sharp, focused mind. Try it!
For additional tips and tricks for living a vibrant life  Join the VITAL Community HERE
August 29, 2013
Pioneers in Holistic Health and Nutrition
Hi Health-Seeker,

I'm sure glad I had a vacation, because now I am keeping really busy! I'm
looking forward to another.

Actually I am really looking forward to the Vital Healing Kitchen Show
Saturday, where I get to share my favorite ways to use chia seeds!  Those
little seeds are powerhouses of nutrition and balance blood sugar for hours.

I'm also excited about this week's radio guest, my dear friend and colleague, Dr Phyllis Books. She just published her first book, “Reversing Dyslexia”, and it's promised to be a big hit.

On the show I will pick Dr. Books' brain about all the misunderstanding
that surrounds dyslexia. It's not a reading disorder as most people think.
It's much more, and many kids who can read just fine can have dyslexia that
effects them in other ways with regards to learning.

Come to the call and learn how you can determine if your child is at risk. The success stories Dr. Books has are amazing!

If you missed last week's show, check out the replay. I shared some little
known facts about blood sugar imbalance and my own personal story!

Finally, check out Nomi Shannon‘s new book. Nomi is a dear friend and a
very talented chef and writer.  I think she wrote the perfect recipe book titled: You're raw they're cooked”, in which she addresses how to make peace at mealtime even when different family members choose different dietary approaches.

And the recipes look fabulous. It's loaded with ethnic recipes, which I love and also, there are raw and cooked versions! Super cool. Thanks Nomi!
And for you practitioners, check out practitioners' corner for access to the
recording of my insulin resistance kickoff webinar. I shared really in-depth information, and the audience was blown away. I love to geek out on the mechanisms that our most miraculous bodies use to keep us in balance.
I also reveal the startling statistics about sugar consumption in the US. Yikes! It's scary.

Click  HERE for instant access to the recording – but only through the end of the weekend – then it gets moved to the private members area of our Insulin Resistance Practitioner Program
That's it for now.

Remember, the chia class on Saturday is a Google hangout and is available to the public live and for 48 hours after.  Then it gets moved to the members only site, where you can access it for 2 months for just $19.97. If you'd like to join in the conversation, you need a Google Plus account and you need to be logged in.

Big hugs and lots of appreciation


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


Seven Tips for Lifting the Veil of Brain Fog

Brain fog is a serious problem. It affects your relationships, due to difficulty connecting. It affects your ability to perform well at work. You might have to settle for a job that’s way under your potential and capacity because you can’t focus.

It’s a big cost to your system. It costs you financially in that you’re unable to do the kind of work and career that you’re really capable of. It costs you in your relationships and it costs you in your joy.

It can affect your ability to create your own business. So many Stress Manpeople I have talked to have great ideas for wonderful businesses that would benefit them financially and emotionally, and would also benefit the world – but they can’t do it because they’re not thinking clearly enough.

It’s well worth it to find out everything you can about how to get your brain fog lifted, so you can be fully be present and live your life with passion and purpose.
Continue Reading..


How to Get Your Clients to Make Easier Dietary Changes

…by first reducing sugar cravings!

Your suggestions are great and probably work beautifully – if you can get
your clients to follow-up!

When I am on a mission to balance a client's blood sugar, of course one of
the recommendations is to eliminate sugar and all its relatives, bread and
other high carb favorites and replace with nutrient dense, lower carbohydrate, high green meals.

And the biggest challenge to that is the sugar cravings!

What I found is that if I get them on nutrients and herbs that make their cells less resistant to insulin BEFORE making dietary changes, the diet changes are a lot easier to make.

Here are a few nutrients and herbs that can be miraculous at reducing sugar
and starch cravings:

  1. chromium polynicotinate – 400 mcg twice a day (or 200 mcg with each meal and at bedtime)
  2. magnesium – approximately 400mg per day
  3. DHA – approximately 400 mg per day
  4. olive leaf extract – featured a few issues ago for its ability to restore insulin receptivity at the cellular level

For more tips on working with clients with blood sugar imbalance, insulin
resistance and diabetes, check out the recording of the kickoff call for my
Insulin Resistance Practitioner training  (IRSPT).

Or better yet, join me and over 50 other holistic health rock stars for the
full course:


Carob Mint Candies

These low glycemic candies take only minutes to make and will satisfy your sugar craving without compromising your blood sugar level.


  • 2 tablespoons almond butter, smooth
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 1/32 teaspoon sea salt,(a smidgen)
  • 6 drops Sweet Leaf Whole Leaf Stevia Concentrate
  • 1 tablespoon raw carob powder
    (toasted would not taste good)
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 3 drops orange essential oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon maca powder


  1. Whisk or stir all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Spoon into candy molds or onto parchment paper.
  3. Freeze for 30 minutes.
  4. Enjoy!

This recipe is from Dr. Ritamarie's upcoming new program, B4 Be Gone.

For more recipes like these – get on the waiting list for B4 Be Gone blood sugar balancing program and receive a recipe sampler. Join IRSPT and get the entire collection!


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, has been an integrative health care practitioner for over two decades, empowering her patients and students to overcome health challenges and lead a joyful and healthy life.

She's a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, HeartMath® and Herbal Medicine as well as a certified raw and living foods instructor, chef, and coach.

She's the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books including: Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven. She's also the creator of many successful online courses designed to restore people to the health, energy, and vitality they need to live full and vibrant lives.

Dr. Ritamarie resides in Austin, Texas with her husband and sons. She can be reached at

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“Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site,, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report 7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life… in as little as 30 Days.

Internationally recognized speaker, author, and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Energy Recharge Nutrition Specialist and Vibrant Health Mentor.”
Dr. Ritamarie's Energy Recharge Newsletter is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: or call: 1 (877) 727-5992

© 2013 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.
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Dr Ritamarie, LLC 9508 Bell Mountain Drive Austin, Texas 78730 United States (877) 727-5992

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