We've been covering gluten-free a lot in the past few weeks. Why? Because it's one of the most important changes you can possibly make in your life.
Gluten sensitivity is the root of so many dis-eases and it's found everywhere. Last week on the show, we talked about the emotions surrounding giving up gluten. It means finding new comfort foods, figuring out new ways to deal with daily stressors rather than eating. But the results are SO worth it!
This week:
Debbie Sipowicz joins Dr. Ritamarie once again to discuss practical changes you can make when going gluten-free. You don't have to break the bank to give up gluten.
What we will cover:
1) How to change to a gluten-free diet
2) How to stick with it
3) Tips for making it easier
About Debbie:
Debbie Sipowicz is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and a Natural Foods Cook specializing in helping women make the transition to a gluten-free life. After personally experiencing cancer, asthma, gluten intolerance and leaky gut, Debbie has changed her own diet many times over the past twenty years, and has always managed to enjoy food and eat well. In her coaching practice, Debbie picks up where the “change-your-diet” diagnosis leaves off, and helps women get through the ‘tough-stuff', upgrade their food choices, and still enjoy eating! Visit her on the web: www.HipChicksInMidlife.com
Show Instructions:
Additional Resources:
Get Dr. Ritamarie's guide to gluten-free
Make your own gluten-free snacks and comfort foods
Click here to download…