Practitioner Corner: Assessing and Correcting Adrenal Fatigue

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A stethoscope with functional health on it.

Stethoscope with globe on whiteI bet you see a lot of people in your practice who are suffering from adrenal fatigue.  It’s so common, it is estimated to plague 80% of all women at some point in their lives.

There are many ways to assess for adrenal fatigue.

1. One is asking about tell-tale symptoms, like fatigue, brain fog, restless sleep, afternoon crash, second wind at night and many more.

2. I also have a computerized questionnaire that gives a score based on symptoms.

3. There are also physical exam findings.  You can do these tests in your office, or if you work with people remotely, you can have them do it on themselves.  These include the pupillary light reflex, blood pressure (seated, lying and standing) and looking at certain physical signs (like dark circles under eyes and a couple of tongue markings).

4. There are also lab tests.  My favorite is the Adrenal Stress saliva test, where you test cortisol and DHEA levels at a variety of times throughout the day.

There’s a lot more.  I teach an entire module about Adrenal Assessment in my Client Assessment Tools for Holistic Practitioners.  We just finished a live run of the program, and materials are available for self study.

The invitation page is in the process of being updated so it may still have some old dates in it.

However, a a special bonus, if you join now, we’ll give you free access to our upcoming CAFÉ program, Correcting Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion, where you’ll learn protocols for correcting adrenal fatigue and get ideas for tools you can use with your own clients.

Correcting adrenal fatigue impacts every aspect of your client’s health.  It’s an important skill to learn. If you register now, you’ll be able to join us when we do it live, at the current investment level.  Details are here:  Client Assessment Tools



With love and appreciation,


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


What questions do you have about assessing adrenals for your clients? Comment below!

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