Practitioner Corner: Boosting Testosterone with Olive Oil

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Olive oil and olive leaves promote optimal health on a white background.

Over the weekend I attended the Restorative Medicine Conference and met functional medicine legends like Jonathan Wright, David Winston and Joseph Pizzorno.
There were a lot of hormone related sessions and a few tidbits stuck out in my mind.

One was the use of olive oil to raise testosterone levels.

We often read about of olives and olive oil as tasty additions to food, with somewhat neutral effects on health.  There’s a growing body of evidence pointing to its role in balancing testosterone levels.

One study done in rats found that those fed oleuropein, a phenolic compound found in extra virgin olive oil, significantly raised testosterone levels and increased luteinizing hormone levels.  — J Nutr Biochem, 2013 May: 24(5) 887-93

Jonathan Wright reported on some studies using olive oil to increase levels of, 3 beta adiol,  a testosterone metabolite found to protect from cancer by reducing the growth of established tumors and counteracting metastasis.  – Hurtado de catalfo, GE et al, Dietary lipids modify homeostasis and steroidogenic status in rat testis.  Nutrition 2008:24:717-726

I love using food as medicine.  It’s nature at her best.


With love and appreciation,


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


What additional questions or comments do you have regarding using olive oil to boost testosterone? Comment below!

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