Practitioner Corner: How to Get Your Clients to Make Easier Dietary Changes by First Reducing Sugar Cravings!

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A woman is indulging in gluten-free chocolate with her mouth open, satisfying her food cravings.

Young cute woman trying to eat chocolates over white backgroundYour suggestions are great and probably work beautifully – if you can get your clients to follow-up!

When I am on a mission to balance a client's blood sugar, of course one of the recommendations is to eliminate sugar and all its relatives, bread and other high carb favorites and replace with nutrient dense, lower carbohydrate, high green meals.

And the biggest challenge to that is sugar cravings!

What I found is that if I get them on nutrients and herbs that make their cells less resistant to insulin BEFORE making dietary changes, the diet changes are a lot easier to make.

Here are a few nutrients and herbs that can be miraculous at reducing sugar and starch cravings:

  • chromium polynicotinate – 400 mcg twice a day (or 200 mcg with each meal and at bedtime
  • magnesium – approximately 400mg per day
  • DHA – approximately 400 mg per day
  • olive leaf extract – featured a few issues ago for its ability to restore insulin receptivity at the cellular level


For more tips on working with clients with blood sugar imbalance, insulin resistance and diabetes, check out the recording of the kickoff call for my Insulin Resistance Practitioner Training  (IRSPT).

Or better yet, join me and over 50 other holistic health rock stars for the full course:


With love and appreciation,


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


What additional questions do you have about how to make dietary changes easier for people? Comment below!

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