Practitioner Corner: Insulin Resistance Tools for Helping Your Clients

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small frequent meals and hypoglycemia

small frequent meals and hypoglycemia


Insulin Resistance Home Assessments

In my B4 Be Gone program, I teach people how to monitor their own blood sugar, chart it, and track improvements as they employ my proven system for reversing insulin resistance and achieving a flat belly, clear mind, and energetic body.


I am always surprised to discover how few of my colleagues actually know how to test blood sugar at home, how to chart it, and what the patterns mean!

That’s part of the reason I created my Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner’s Training.

I am working on a series  of free resources to get you started .  If you are already on my practitioner list, you’ll get early notice and special bonuses.  If you are not yet on the list, you can get on by going to

If you want to become proficient at helping people with:

  • blood sugar issues,
  • insulin resistance,
  • metabolic syndrome,
  • or diabetes…

Then you must learn to test your own blood sugar.  Purchase a glucometer at any pharmacy or online at This is the one I use and recommend:

Desktop Model:
True Result Starter Kit

Portable Meter:
True 2Go Portable Kit

Test Strips:
TRUEtest TestStrips 100

Keep your fasting blood sugar in the 70’s or 80s and your postprandial blood sugar (after eating) at 110 or below for best results.

Master the art of blood sugar testing and teach it to your patients and clients.  The results are outstanding!

Stay tuned for details of my Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner Training to learn more.


With love and appreciation,


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


What questions do you have about testing your own blood sugar levels? Comment below!

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