Radio Show: Cracking the Bikini Code: Weight Loss Secrets

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natural health weight loss and energy restoration

natural health weight loss and energy restoration

Host and Guest Speaker:

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo interviews                Dr. Kyrin Dunston

In this show you'll learn:

  • The exact reason WHY none of those other fad diets helped you actually lose weight and KEEP it off.
  • The 6 key secrets you need to pinpoint what caused your weight gain in the first place.
  • How FAT is a SYMPTOM of a deeper, underlying issue and what that means for your very personal weight loss journey.


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Does this sound familiar?

  • You’ve tried every “diet” out there, and still haven’t gotten rid of the extra weight. Or maybe in the past you have been able to lose weight temporarily, but ended up gaining it back and then some because the diet wasn’t sustainable.
  • You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. You’re constantly exhausted and always seem to be “coming down with something,” no matter what you do. Your body is starting to feel worn out, and you blame it on “getting older” or you have gotten so used to the symptoms that they actually feel normal now!
  • You feel like you’ve lost control of your body. You know you want to be healthy, but despite your best intentions, you always sink back into old habits and patterns. It feels impossible to make any healthy habits stick and you feel like you don’t have any say in your level of health and vitality.
  • You just don’t feel good about your body and your health. You hate the way you look in the mirror and you worry that you won’t be able to enjoy a long, healthy life because of your weight struggles. You never feel physically free and constantly feel embarrassed and self-conscious when you’re in public.
  • You’ve resigned yourself to being overweight forever. Since nothing you have tried has seemed to make a difference, you’re afraid that you’ll just have to sit down and “take it,” that is, be overweight, unhealthy and unhappy for the rest of your life.

Join Dr. Ritamarie and Dr. Kyrin Dunston  as they discuss that freedom from your weight struggles is not only possible, but when you're armed with the right information, it's inevitable.

dr_dunstonKyrin Dunston, MD, FACOG is Board Certified and specializes in functional medicine, natural weight loss, and bio-identical hormone restoration.  Born and raised in Manhattan, Dr. Dunston received her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, PA.  She received her medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, PA in 1992.  Dr. Dunston completed her residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the Medical Center of Delaware in 1996 and then moved to Savannah, GA where she practiced Obstetrics & Gynecology for 15 years.  She has recently moved her practice to Atlanta, GA, and is in practice with other functional medicine doctors.

In 2008, Dr. Dunston became aware that most of what main stream medicine offered to patients, including drugs and surgery, did not actually fix the cause of the problem, it just masked the symptoms.  She discovered that special testing not commonly available to most people successfully located the cause of health symptoms and diseases, and that natural remedies were effective in ameliorating not only the symptoms of disease but also the diseases themselves.  She discovered the reason she had gone into medicine in the first place.

After successfully curing her own medical conditions and symptoms, she began integrating these treatments into her practice with tremendous results.  In July of 2011, Dr. Dunston retired from the practice of Obstetrics & Gynecology to pursue her passion for functional medicine and truly helping people to achieve optimum health on a full time basis at her practice.  Most recently, Dr. Dunston has opened the biggest functional medicine clinic with other functional medicine doctors in Atlanta, GA.

Dr. Dunston is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is currently in their fellowship training program for anti-aging, regenerative and functional medicine. She is currently enrolled in the University of South Florida School of Medicine Master’s Program in Medical Sciences with a Concentration in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine.

Dr. Dunston is also a member of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the Institute of Functional Medicine.

Additional Resources:

Read a free chapter from Dr. Dunston's Book, “The Bikini Code,” as well as have the chance to pre-order her book.

Take Dr. Dunston's Weight Loss Quiz to see how easily you can lose weight.

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that plants and herbs play on your hormones and digestive health, as well as strategies to include in your daily routines to achieve more vitality.

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