Radio Show: Love Notes from Hell: Stories of Hopeless Addiction, Obsession, and Freedom

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A vegan woman is sitting on a couch, promoting optimal health and functional health.

Stressed out woman screaming

Host and Guest Speaker:

Dr. Ritamarie interviews Spiritual Healer, Roy Nelson

In this show you'll learn:

  • The other forms of addiction besides alcohol, food, and drugs.
  • Steps you can take to begin your journey of healing.
  • How to increase your self-confidence by acknowledging your desires.

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When you heal spiritually, you transform.  When you transform, you are no longer in bondage to anything.  We cannot see what our negative habits are doing to us, only what they are doing for us. In other words, we think they enable us to do more and be more, but we are in denial about the toll they’re really taking on our bodies, our relationships, our finances, and our souls.

Join Dr. Ritamarie and Roy Nelson as they discuss the spiritual solution to illuminate and heal the underlying causes of addictions.

Roy NelsonRoy Nelson is known as “the last resort” for those who cannot stop their self-destructive habits.  Living with a violent, alcoholic father drove him to pursue a life of distraction by any means possible – until he conceded that his self-imposed hell was killing him.  It was then that he had a profound experience that changed everything.  Over thirty-five years ago Roy “cracked the code” of his own addictive personality. As a result, he lost 120 pounds and overcame a myriad of addictions, as well as depression, panic attacks, and phobias. Based on his personal experience of total freedom, Roy developed The Nelson Method—a plan of spiritual healing that is designed to help people heal from their own personal hell, even when all other approaches have failed.

 Additional Resources:

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that plants and herbs play in your hormone and skin care health, as well as strategies to include in your daily routines to achieve more vitality.

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