Radio Show: The Importance of Drinking Clean Water

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drink more water

drink more water

Host and Guest Speaker

Host: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

In this show you'll learn:

  • The importance of hydration
  • How to take in the proper quantity of water
  • How the quality of water is as important as the quantity

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Dehydration can manifest in a myriad of diseases and symptoms. Most of us are dehydrated and we don't even realize it. Dehydration triggers mechanisms by which such things as asthma, allergies, heartburn, fatigue, hypertension and many others illnesses occur. Water is vital to your survival. Without sufficient water intake, your entire body slows down, and healing and repair become sluggish. Chronic dehydration is an underlying cause of many common diseases. Contrary to popular belief, thirst and dry mouth are not reliable indicators of your need for water. The quality of water you drink is as important as the quantity. Your choice of water filtration system is a complex decision and may take a lot of research until you decide what feels best to you.

Join Dr. Ritamarie as she discusses hydration. It is such an important topic for health, that Dr. Ritamarie devotes an entire module to it in her Energy Recharge Inner Circle.

RL-026Additional Resources:

To discover how your health and life can be forever changed, become part of Dr. Ritamarie's inner circle, and get personally guided by Dr. Ritamarie and one of her personally trained functional nutrition coaches. They'll look at your labs, your habits, and your health history, and work with you to create and implement your very own personalized road map to vibrant health and recharged energy. This is a small intimate group. Watch the video and read the success stories HERE.

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources that will give you cutting-edge science combined with the best of natural health wisdom to help you discover unprecedented vitality.

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