Radio Show: Tying Together the Old and the New

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A mesmerizing painting showcasing a serene woman peacefully gliding in a boat.


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

In this show you'll learn:




The Winter Solstice is a magical season . . . one that marks the journey from this year to the next, journeys of the spirit from one world to the next, and the magic of birth, death, and rebirth. The longest night of the year (December 21 in the Northern hemisphere), is reborn as the start of the solar year and accompanied by festivals of light to mark the rebirth of the Sun. In ancient Europe, this night of darkness grew from the myths of the Norse goddess Frigga, who sat at her spinning wheel weaving the fates, and the celebration was called Yule, from the Norse word Jul, meaning wheel. The Christmas wreath, a symbol adapted from Frigga's “Wheel of Fate”, reminds us of the cycle of the seasons and the continuity of life.

Join Dr. Ritamarie as she weaves the fates together to share how you can journey from this magical season into a rebirth of your new life.

RitamarieDr. Ritamarie is the founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, and has over 23 years of clinical experience as a functional medicine practitioner and clinical nutritionist. She's worked with thousands of people around the globe to restore balance to the hormones that control every day functions, and allows them the freedom of a body that is energetic, strong. and vibrant.Her training and certifications in chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, and HeartMath, combined with her passion for creating delicious meals that heal the body. allow her to have a truly integrative and holistic approach that gets to the root cause rather than band-aiding health issues with symptom-suppressing strategies.

Additional Resources:

If you want to truly rest your system as you go forth into the new year, learn ways from Dr. Ritamarie to take a break that will help you feel more rested, but will also accelerate healing and burn belly fat –

As you go forth into the new year, surround yourself with positive people and the natural solutions that will lift you higher in your quest for joy and vitality by joining the VITAL Health Community –

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