This recipe was inspired by Truth Calkins, at Longevity Now conference. I had a cup of seaweed soup at the snack bar and fell in love. I added a few extra ingredients and did my best to recreate it with my own twists, making it an amazing tool to support your adrenals, thyroid and immune system.
Adaptogenic Seaweed Soup
- 4 cups sea vegetables: I used kelp, dulse, wakame and a mixed seaweed blend
- 1/2 cup dried maitake mushroom
- 1 large piece fresh ginger
- Juice of 2 lemons
- 1 tablespoon miso (I used soy-free chick pea miso from South River Miso)
- 3 cloves fresh garlic
- 1 teaspoon cordyceps mushroom powder
- ½ tablespoon ashwagandha powder
- 1/2 teaspoon astragalus powder
- 1 tablespoon maca powder
- 1/2- 1 teaspoon flax or coconut oil (or a combination) for each serving
1. Place sea vegetables and dried maitake mushroom in a large bowl and add enough water to cover them twice.
2. After about 15 minutes, the sea veggies and mushrooms should be soft.
3. Place the sea vegetables and soak water in large Vitamix container
4. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
5. Serve in a bowl with a teaspoon of flax or coconut oil on top to aid in the absorption of the essential nutrients.
6. Add chopped vegetables or wilted greens if desired.
This makes an entire 64-ounce container full. If you have a smaller blender, either do it in batches or cut the recipe in half. If you are sensitive to mushrooms, leave out the maitake and cordyceps.
This recipe is from the recipe collect in the Correcting Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion (CAFE) program with Dr. Ritamarie.
For more tips on how to restore, replenish, and nourish your exhausted adrenals, take it to the next level with my CAFE Program (Correcting Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion), where you will be taken through a 5-part series that sets you on track for restoring your adrenals in as little as 30 days! The Dr. Ritamarie's CAFE is now open.
Join here: CAFE Program