Solve the Thyroid Mystery – Plus a Detox Recipe!

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Hello, Health-Seeker,

This past weekend I had the privilege and honor of attending David Wolfe’s Longevity Now Conference, and meeting some amazingly knowledgeable and compassionate souls in the world of holistic health care.
There were estimated to be 1300 people in the room.
That blows my mind.  People came from all over the globe, seeking to connect with others also passionate about creating health of mind, body, spirit, and planet.
One of the highlights was meeting Hal Huggins, author of It's All In Your Head and many other books about the dangers of dental amalgams and other conventional medical practices.  He has risked life and limb – literally – to buck the American dental association and colleagues in his profession and speak the truth.
In fact he shared that his wife divorced him after she got shot with a bullet intended for him!  She said it was too dangerous to be married to such a renegade.

At age 88, his mind is still sharp and he is doing cutting edge research related to mouth microbes and DNA.
I invited him to speak on my Vibrant Living Health Solutions Blog Talk Radio Show, and he accepted.  I will keep you posted.  He shared things I didn’t know about dental implants and the risks associated with improperly done extractions.  Scary but empowering at the same time.
Tune in to this Thursday's radio show where I review a few of the highlights of the Longevity Now Conference and upcoming guests, as well as talk about the connection between hormone balance and detoxification.
I am also happy to report that my college son is finally shaking the cold/bronchitis that has been visiting him for the past few weeks, and will be back home next week for the summer!  And my son Kevin hit a home run in last Monday night’s game. 🙂
Enjoy the juicy articles and upcoming events we have planned for you.  And the yummy detox recipe!

Enjoy your week!

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

Assessing Your Own Thyroid Function
by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

In  last week’s feature article, I explained how your thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front part of your neck whose main job is to control the amount of oxygen utilized by each and every cell in your body.

Most doctors don’t have a thorough understanding of how to assess thyroid function.  They generally label it as either overactive, underactive or cancerous.

The treatment is either synthetic T4 medication, for underactive, or radiation followed by synthetic T4 medication.

There is a better way.

Learn about the most overlooked causes of thyroid imbalance, and likely know more about assessing your own thyroid than most doctors will ever tell you, or even know for themselves.  Read the rest of the article here

Or copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Vibrant Living Health Solutions Radio Show:
The Critical Role of Detoxification in Hormone Balance

Thursday May 9, 2013
8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET

One of the first and basic levels of balancing hormones as well as claiming overall health has to do with detoxification, specifically of the liver.  But…there’s a lot of misinformation out there about how to detox the liver.  Many do not even know that it must be done in TWO phases.

After this show, you will know exactly how to safely approach this detox that will allow your liver to do what it is meant to do…bring the LIVE back into your life.
Click here:
PS – Be sure to “Friend” me on Blog Talk Radio!

Vibrant Living Health Solutions Radio Show Replay:
Maintaining Iodine Balance for Optimal Energy: Strategies for Overcoming Environmental Antagonists

Iodine is a mineral that's critical to your health, and is a very commonly deficient nutrient in the Western world. The soils are depleted while the sea is replete.

Understanding iodine, its function, sources, and signs of deficiency, is critical to overall health and well being.

Join me for another cutting edge Blog Talk Radio show and learn how to take advantage of the benefits iodine has to offer.

Click here for the replay of the Iodine Show:

Guest Speakers Coming Soon on Vibrant Living Health Solutions Radio Show:


Dr. Hal Huggins about the dangers that may lurk in your mouth and what to do about it.

Dr Dave Woynarowski, Anti-Aging Doctor and telomere and epigenetics researcher

John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America

Carol Tuttle, Energy Profiling Expert, and author of Dressing Your Truth and The Child Whisperer

Taylor Wells, author of Best Life Ever

SHINE: The Secrets to Happy Hormones, Invigorating Nutrition, and Energy!

Register NOW for this FREE 3-part webinar series!

Mark your calendars for the following Webinar with Hormone and Energy Recharge Expert, Dr. Ritamarie!

Part 3: Thurs, May 16th, 2013, 7:30 pm Central Time
Click to register and discover the 3 call topics that are going to help you re-kindle your own inner fire!

Don't worry if you missed Parts 1 & 2!

As soon as you register, you'll get the link to the recordings of Part 1 and Part 2 to listen to.


VITAL Healing Kitchen Class Video Replay:

Sea Veggie Recipes That Nourish Your Thyroid:
Healing and Hormone Balancing Harvests From the Ocean

VITAL members
, check your Recordings page to watch this amazing replay!

To sign up for our VITAL Community, and enjoy EMPOWERING monthly teleseminars, online video food preparation classes, & live Q&A calls, go here:


May VITAL Health Topics Call:

Nutrigenomics: The Science of Optimizing Your Diet and Exercise According to Your Unique Genetics

TONIGHT!  Wednesday, May 8th, 2013, 7:30 pm

Each person is unique — the health protocols that work for one may not work for you.  While health practitioners and experts can make educated guesses about the best diet and lifestyle changes for you, knowing your genetic tendencies can boost the success of your results.  Getting tested to determine your genetic tendencies can help you make lifestyle choices that strengthen any weaknesses and help you live a vibrant life.

VITAL Community Members, 
call access information is posted on your Vibrant Living Members website.

To sign up for our VITAL Community, and enjoy these great monthly Health Topics teleseminars & live Q&A calls, go here:



The Gut Rejuvenating Easy Energizing Natural Cleanse


Dr. Ritamarie'sThe GREEN Cleanse 7-day Gut Revitalizing Easy Energizing Natural cleanse is built upon the healing benefits of eating and blending leafy greens!

When you try just one week of eating foods that are rich in minerals and nutrition, you'll transform exhaustion into energy, eliminate excess belly fat, and feel younger and stronger than you did in your teens!

SAVE $200 by registering for your G.R.E.E.N Cleanse during May:


Raw Food: The Answers –
How to Survive Long-Term

by Nomi Shannon & Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

95% of people who go raw FAIL within the first year or two…Why?

Over the past 27 years since committing to a raw food healthy lifestyle myself, and helping others to do the same, I began to notice repeating patterns of why most people fail with in in the long-term. So did my friend Nomi Shannon, author of The Raw Gourmet Book (and many others).

Together Nomi and I compiled answers to the most pressing questions people have about going and staying raw for the long haul, and we answered them in our new CD/Book combo.

We've compiled over half a century of our experience, training, hands-on know-how and wisdom and transformed this life-changing knowledge into TWO easy-to-understand accessible formats:

It's available to you as either a physical Book & CD set that is mailed to you, or as a digital eBook (PDF) and MP3 (Audio) downloadable set.

Go here to discover more:


Are you working with clients, patients, family members, friends or even yourself, and hitting a wall?  The more you try to help them detox the worse they get?  Or they seem to be following much of what you advise with respect to diet, exercise, vitamin D, digestion and so much more, but not getting the great results you expect?

It just may be that there are undetected genetic “defects” called single nucleotide polymorphisms, aka SNPs, pronounced snips.

These are tiny alterations in the nucleotides in particular genes that create havoc with detoxification.  There are particular pathways called methylation pathways which, when less than optimal, can create major health issues.

Our VITAL call this month will provide a general overview of a new branch of health care called Nutrigenomics. 

It is TONIGHT, Wednesday, May 8 at 7:30 pm Central Time.

To sign up for our VITAL Community:

Next month in our Energy Recharge Coaching program we'll spend a lot more time talking about Nutrigenomics and offer strategies, assessment tools, and more.

There is also a lot of information online, if you know where to look for it.

A company called “23 and Me” offers a test for only $99, and it assesses most of the SNPs that are amenable to nutrition and lifestyle approaches to “band aid”  the DNA and alter the epigenetic expression.

This test used to cost almost $500!  It is now accessible to everyone!

We'll go into detail about the major methylation problems and nutritional approaches in the Client Assessment Tools and Energy Recharge Practitioner program webinars next month.

Another good resource is Dr. Ben Lynch's new video about folate and the MTHFR mutation. available here:

For a free video on the Clinical Assessment Tools for Practitioners program sign up here: ,

Stay tuned for more clinical tips and tools in our new practitioner corner .  Let us know what your interest is.  Complete this survey and receive some free gifts to assist you in assessment of your clients health.

Would you like to enhance your clinical skills so you can effectively deal with even the most difficult cases?  Schedule  a complimentary consultation with Jan to determine if our practitioner training is right for you.

Email:  [email protected]

May Monthly Special:

The Gut Rejuvenating Easy Energizing Natural Cleanse

Complete with over 200 recipes; day-by-day menu planners for your choice of a Light, Standard, or Deep Cleanse; detoxification guidelines; and a health-boosting array of e-books, audios, and more, you'll have everything you need to lighten your load and feel free and fresh!

Regularly $297 – on sale this month for only $97!

Click here:

Enjoy this refreshing recipe from the G.R.E.E.N Cleanse Recipe Guide:

Cauliflower Soup

3 cups chopped cauliflower
2 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar or coconut vinegar
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon kelp powder

Seasoning Options:

1 tablespoon of herbs: nettles, horsetail,and/or alfalfa combination
1 tablespoon dried basil
2-3 drops lemongrass essential oil
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 tablespoon chili powder or Mexican seasoning


1.  Blend first 5 ingredients
2.  Use as is or stir in one of the seasoning options
3.  Add extra toppings as desired.


The G.R.E.E.N Cleanse contains over 200 delicious green recipes like this to repair your gut, skyrocket your energy, and slim your waistline.

Click here to take advantage of our $200 off special for the month of May:

She's the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books including: Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven.

She's also the creator of many successful online courses designed to restore people to the health, energy, and vitality they need to live full and vibrant lives.

Dr. Ritamarie resides in Austin, Texas with her husband and sons.

She can be reached at:


Due to the large volume of e-mail replies we receive to this address, it could take several days before we see your reply. To help us get back to you more quickly, please address all comments and support questions to [email protected]. Thanks!


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