I recently was introduced by a friend to a company that has some good products, one of which is a cherry concentrate. My friend sent me a free bottle of it and invited me to try it. I thought, "No way; that will shoot my blood sugar through the roof." But after...
diabetes raw food recipes
Raw Food Recipes for Gluten Free Low Glycemic Easter
I wrote an article a couple of Easters ago, highlighting some gluten free Easter recipes. Since then, I have learned a lot more about insulin resistance, and the need for low glycemic gluten free recipes. So this year, as the Christians all over the world celebrate...
Strategies for Balancing Blood Sugar, Firing up Fat Burning and Protecting You from Serious Lifestyle Diseases
So what do excess belly fat, blood sugar imbalance and serious diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes have in common? Poor regulation of insulin, a hormone secreted by your pancreas, appears to be a connecting force. Insulin gets secreted in response to...
Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly!
The clock is ticking. Spring will be here before we know it. We've already "sprung" our clocks ahead. Soon it will be June and my first son will graduate from high school.How in the world did that happen?I feels like it was just yesterday when he first learned to...
5 Cutting Edge Strategies to Balance Your Blood Sugar So You Can Melt Your Midline, Sharpen Your Focus, and Recharge Your Energy!
Do you find yourself wishing you could hit the snooze button instead of jumping out of bed feeling refreshed each morning? Do you crave sugar, caffeine, or a NAP around 3 – 4 pm? Have you been carrying around excess fat around your middle that won’t budge in spite of...
The Great Meal Timing Debate!
Many popular health authors recommend eating small frequent meals to keep your blood sugar steady. I disagree. Find out why!