A well-planned, low-carb diet rich in green vegetables and whole, plant-based fats has many positive side effects it can stabilize blood sugar, alkalize the tissues, and improve bodily functions because your organs are getting an abundance of nutrients. However,...
digestive health
19 Super reasons why an insulin reset is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL
I wrote out all the reasons why I think a process to lower insulin and reset receptors is super important. I hope you enjoy this list! You’ll burn stored fat. Insulin puts the breaks on fat-burning, and an insulin receptor reset lowers circulating insulin levels, and...
Practitioner Corner: The Importance of the Gut Microbiome in Healing
As holistic health practitioners, our goal is to educate our patients and clients to help them prevent disease, rather than try to correct an imbalance, like leaky gut. You may already know that you carry up to 2 kg of microbes in your gut. Within that 2kg, there are...
Practitioner Corner: Why You May Want to MOO’ve to a Dairy Substitute
There has been a lot of research published that suggests dairy products can cause serious health issues. From a clinical perspective, I see this in my practice all of the time. People may have lactose intolerance issues causing them significant digestive problems,...
Stressed Out About Your Digestion?
Our world today has us living in an extreme high-tech environment. In the period of one day, you can spend up to 10 hours sitting and staring at a computer or other electronic device. As you do this, your body becomes tense. ...
Radio Show: How Your Gut May Guide the Workings of Your Brain
Host: Dr. Ritamarie In this show, you'll learn: How bacteria in your digestive system may influence your moods, behavior, and feelings The real truth about how the way you digest your food influences your brain How your stomach acid affects the chemical communication...