Most of you have heard about probiotics. It's a topic in the news more and more these days. There is also at least one probiotic yogurt advertised on TV that guarantees the relief of digestive symptoms such as gas and bloating....
digestive healtrh
Practitioner Corner: Eating For a No-Bloat, Happy Belly Summer
Is everyone enjoying their summer? It is always so wonderful to be a bit off the usual schedule, enjoying relaxed time with your children, extended family, and friends; vacationing and traveling, and just being on a lazier...
The Best and Worst Foods for 6 Pack Abs
Belly fat is not a laughing matter. Fat and jolly is a myth. Secretly, most people whose midlines are soft and puffy, are not exactly happy about it and secretly wish for abs of steel. The sad truth is, that no matter how many sit-ups, crunches, bicycles or leg...
TheTop Ten Foods that Reduce Inflammation
Study after study is now coming to light that inflammation in the body is a major cause for nearly every health issue--or at least contributes to making it worse. Heart disease, cancer, auto-immune, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain are all closely tied to inflammation....
7 Ways to Use Ginger to Heal Pain and Inflammation
Ginger is a tasty spice with several health benefits. Studies show this uniquely flavored root is a potent antioxidant, and is able to prevent or slow atherosclerosis, lower LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol) and ease stomach distress. But it is also naturally...
Good Sounds, Good Digestion
A John Hopkins University study discovered that listening to soft music during meals causes one to eat less and encourages better chewing (and thus digestion). Rock music, on the other hand, causes one to eat more, and at a...