Emotional eating is something that most people have turned to at some point in their lives when emotions get strong and the desire to turn them off is even stronger. Some people turn to eating when under stress, like a death in the family, an overbearing boss and...
Practitioner Corner: Will you see malnutrition in YOUR practice?
You will likely have many obese clients come to you with health problems. Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S, as well as the whole world. A parent or a child may come see you for symptoms that they may not associate with...
Feeling Zapped? Overcoming your Post-Vacation Blues Mood
In my last several blogs I talked about how to keep healthy while traveling and on vacation. I recommended nutrition and lifestyle tips to help you survive health missteps while traveling on an airplane, while staying in hotels, and even while eating on the road. I...
Resist the Food Cravings By Listening To Your Body!
I have a friend who often craves chocolate. You know what her solution is to her cravings? She eats more chocolate! But that’s not the right solution at all! So for all of you out there who suffer from cravings (and yes, I occasionally have that craving for a sweet...
Gluten-Free Fast Raw Food: Collard Green Roll-ups with Sauerkraut and Mango Filling
Saving time by hitting a drive-thru now may mean sacrificing time later when your health is compromised. Quick, gluten-free raw meals are just a few ingredients away!
Eating for Hormone Health: New Hope for Hormone Imbalance
I'm excited to be doing a talk in New Jersey this week on Eating for Hormone Health. Karen Ranzi, author of "Creating Healthy Children" is hosting me. Here are the details. If you live in the area, come on by. Eating for Hormone Balance The Secrets to Staying Young...