I love tortillas and chips and I used to eat a lot of them. Especially corn chips with salsa and guacamole. When I realized that they weren't so good for my blood sugar and hormones, I decided to look for alternatives. In this video, I tell you the story about how I...
Practitioner Corner: Will you see malnutrition in YOUR practice?
You will likely have many obese clients come to you with health problems. Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S, as well as the whole world. A parent or a child may come see you for symptoms that they may not associate with...
Practitioner Corner: Eating For a No-Bloat, Happy Belly Summer
Is everyone enjoying their summer? It is always so wonderful to be a bit off the usual schedule, enjoying relaxed time with your children, extended family, and friends; vacationing and traveling, and just being on a lazier...
Fighting Chronic Fatigue with Four Favorite F Words for Vibrant Health
I recently wrote a series of blog posts related to four of my favorite "F-words" that are keys to overcoming chronic fatigue, escaping the grips of adrenal exhaustion and creating and maintaining long-term vibrant health. They are: FUN: The Physiology of Fun FOOD: The...
The Physiology of FUN, and Its Impact on Your Health
Have you bought into the myth that that achieving high level health and a strong, lean and fit body is hard work? If so, listen up. Many of my patients and students over the years have expressed that very concern, and were...